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HomeLatest NewsThe Divine Shepherdess of the Capuchins, a haven of peace between flowers...

The Divine Shepherdess of the Capuchins, a haven of peace between flowers and prayers in the streets of Cordoba

The long-awaited day has arrived between sun, heat and excitement. The faithful of the Divine Shepherdess They covered their Mother in the streets of the Center. Beauty transformed the asphalt into a meadow and the hand that approached the flock was the catechism in motion, while the step advanced guided by David Arce.

Children dressed as shepherds brought color to the procession this Saturday. Everything in the Capuchin Square and its surroundings appeared decorated in his honor, prepared the previous days by the members of the young group.

Long live the Divine Shepherdess and the anagrams of the Ave Maria with the hat and the staff, as well as white paper flowers and blue fabric flags were present in many places.

First of four lanterns accompanying Simpecado, carried on a stretcher


The Capuchin friars were present at the procession, as well as many brotherhoods of glory and penance, and of course those neighboring the temple and the square. It was late for the first of the four lanterns accompanying the Simpecado, carried on his stretcher.

The procession set off in the middle of the afternoon, and even after seeing the door of the nave of the Capuchin staircase open, there were those who searched the square best memories the day the procession clock was reset after a pandemic.

In the image above, the Divina Pastora in the Plaza de los Carrillos. Bottom left, detail of the flowers that decorate the passage. On the right, crossing Osario Street

But this Saturday offered much to appreciate and feel. It itinerary It was marked by many details: the passage through the school that bears her name, with the white voices of the children singing prayers. And, streets further on, the contrast with the closing songs of the convents of the Capuchin sisters and the Sisters of the Cross.

The Mother of the Good Shepherd continued to advance and the devotion to the Divine Shepherdess became Sevillian and the petals fell from the sky. In the morning the visits and offerings of bouquets of flowers in the privacy of the ship.

As the hours passed, afternoon and night, everything expanded to the width and narrowness of the streets, the color of the draperies, and the fullness of the late summer sky.

On Osario Street, neighbors were crossing themselves from their windows and almost touching this tree with their hands. lush cliff vegetation. The Pastor wore a hat and a starry ring, a coral skirt and a blue cape.

The usual almond tree was behind her, while there were tuberoses at her feet, and on the frieze and jars of the passage an ornament of carnations of a color palette very varied: between salmon, white, yellow, pink and mauve.

“La Divina Pastora” at the beginning, “La Estrella Sublime” and “La Virgen de las Angustias” were some of the steps with which the music group Esperanza entertained the large audience gathered around the Virgin.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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