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The doctor who saw the horrors of war: “He told me to draw blood until I passed out”

“We performed surgical suturing of a 19-year-old young man, who was severely injured in more than half of his throat, so he is now married and has two children. We are happy that the quality of life of that young man is at a high level. Even our most seriously injured are now alive and part of our society.”

These ideas Oku.AzIn an interview with an active participant in the Patriotic War, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Volunteer Doctors of Azerbaijan, employee of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Medical University Oktay Mehdiyev saying.

Here is the interview:

– Dr. Oktay, where was your activity in the historical war?

– I have been working at the Ganja International Hospital since the first day of the war, September 27, 2020. From October 18 to November 12, I worked as a chief physician at the Ganja Diagnostic Center. We volunteered there. I was the official chief physician.

To this day, I am involved in the organization of medical and dental care in the liberated territories. As the Association of Volunteer Doctors of Azerbaijan, we organize regular meetings with relatives of martyrs and veterans. We are implementing the project we envisioned in the direction of protecting their health. In this regard, we go to the regions and organize actions there. We prescribe immediate treatment to some families of martyrs and veterans. We continue to treat people who need surgery in Baku.

– During the 44 days of the Patriotic War we were attentive to social networks and waiting for statements from official institutions. I wonder what the atmosphere is like within the army.

– I photographed our wounded soldier singing while receiving medical assistance. This video itself shows the level of the internal atmosphere. In other words, even though our soldier, wounded during fierce battles, was suffering, he sang songs, including the song “Karabakh”… This reality revealed the strength, struggle and determination of our soldiers.


Our unforgettable soldier who sang loudly in his pain ❤ #Vətanmuharibesi

♬ original sound – Latest News

Apart from the soldiers, my comrades were not tired either, it was as if we had not slept for two or three days. But the doctors understood that this was a historic battle.

– What did our wounded soldiers say when they contacted you?

– Many of our wounded soldiers refused to be sent to the rear. For example, soldiers with shrapnel wounds to soft tissue asked to be sent to their comrades after recovering for two or three days.

Some wanted to return without recovery. This is not pathetic, I say it sincerely, I have never met a cowardly soldier.

– What events affected you negatively?

– Some of our soldiers were martyred before they reached us. We regret that we could not help at that time. A wounded 19-year-old youth was brought in. His fellow soldier said that he was speaking 15 or 20 minutes ago. He was in shock before he reached the hospital, his heart had already stopped. We collectively tried our best to bring him back to life, but it was not possible. Now I am speaking, I am bad. At that time, none of us could control our tears.

We were all happy when they bought our land. But only we saw what victory cost. One eye laughed and the other cried.

– Was there any difference between the wounded in the First Karabakh War and those in the 44-day Patriotic War?

– The difference was too great. The modernization of weapons has led to an increase in the severity of injuries. If in the previous war only bullet wounds predominated, this time there were more shrapnel wounds.

The destructive force of shrapnel also differed depending on the type of weapon. A 19-year-old man who suffered a severe blow to more than half of his throat was surgically stitched up with such precision that he is now married and has two children. We are happy that the quality of life of that young man is at a high level. Even our most seriously injured are now alive and part of our society.

– How did you choose among the wounded soldiers in terms of urgency?

– The wounded did not arrive alone. When we tried to sort out those in the most serious condition into the ambulances, the soldiers themselves said: “Don’t look at me, but at your comrade, he is more serious.” No matter how terrible their circumstances were, they cared about their comrades.

– You received the first news of victories. How does it feel?

– Yes, we first heard the news about the liberation of our lands, and then it was announced to our people. It was a great feeling. Because we have been yearning for those lands for years. For example, we knew that fighting was taking place in Shusha, but it was not announced.

We were anxiously awaiting the result. What we heard encouraged us. That news relieved our fatigue.

– Can you share with us any interesting events that you remember?

– I have many memories, but let me tell you one. So we couldn’t keep the wounded for more than a day or two. We sent them back after their condition stabilized. Once I saw a wounded man from the special forces hiding timidly in his bed. He reacted when I wanted to take his document and send him to the hospital. He said he wanted to talk in my ear. He said, doctor, I’ve been sleeping here for two days, I’m ashamed. The blow hit his soft tissues, his bones were in place. The reason for his calm was his desire to stay there one more day and return to his comrades in arms instead of to the rear.

– What kind of support did our people give you during the war?

– I can say that the winner of this war is the people of Azerbaijan. To explain this, I want to tell you an example. It was the last days of the war, a seriously wounded man had arrived. Although we had stocks in the blood bank, sometimes it was necessary. People stood in front of the hospital day and night. After two blood transfusions – we did not use canned blood, fresh blood was needed. At that time we would go out and say that we need five people for such and such blood group. Once I went out in the morning I said, we need a second blood group. Ten people threw themselves in. When I took them to the laboratory I noticed that one of them was skinny and very thin. My heart ached, I said kindly: “What kind of soul do you have that we draw blood from him?” He turned to me and replied with a proud look: “Draw blood from me until I faint.” Our people were ready to give every last drop of blood. Even those who had nothing tried to sustain themselves with their blood. We had a high level of support from both the state and our citizens.

Maharram Aliyev


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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