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HomeBreaking NewsThe documentary "Mayotte Island of Death" was screened in Baku

The documentary “Mayotte Island of Death” was screened in Baku

The documentary “Mayotte. Island of Death” was screened at the Nizami Film Center with the participation of representatives of the Union of the Gamar Islands, as well as representatives of the island of Mayotte, internationally recognized as a territory of this state, but occupied by France.

“Inform” reports that the event was attended by the Executive Director of the Baku Initiative Group Abbas Abbasov, the editor of the documentary Gulzar Mustafayeva, the former ambassador of Qamar to the UN Muhammad Toihiri, and the topic of the event was the illegal occupation of the island of Mayotte of the Union of the Qamar Islands by France and the serious consequences of the occupation provided extensive information to the participants.

In the film, despite the fact that the Gamar Islands were unanimously admitted to the UN after declaring independence in 1975, the Gamar Islands Union consists of the islands of Anjouan, Grand Gamar, Mayotte and Moheli, and despite the fact that the territory’s state integrity is recognized by all international organizations, France held illegal referendums on Mayotte. Its occupation of the island was proven by historical facts.

The film also talks about France’s dirty policy of grossly violating human rights in Mayotte, artificially increasing the population due to immigrants and separating the island from the Union of the Gambar Islands.

The event was attended by a number of experts, lawyers, leaders of the movement, members of civil society, including members of the “Maori Committee”, ambassadors of the Gamber Islands Union who worked in the UN, South Africa and other regions.

It should be noted that on September 3, an international conference on “The illegal occupation of the island of Mayotte of the Union of the Gamar Islands by France” will be held in our capital.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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