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“The dynamism of the city is what moves us forward”

He Valladolid Town Hall delivered this Thursday onCity Gold Medal to the Provincial Council of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), during an event held at the Calderón Theater and in which the president of the organization, Artemio Domínguez, recognized that it is a distinction that carries “a lot of responsibility” and that represents a tribute to the inhabitants of Valladolidsince it is the entire city and the province that makes the social movement represented by the Walk Against Cancer stronger each year and “helps us move forward”.

He Mayor, Jesús Julio Carnerothanked the altruism, the vocation to permanent service and “the capacity to mobilize in favor of all”, while emphasizing the relevance of this “act of the city, of recognition of our people and of gratitude for the commendable work of the Council provincial”. of Valladolid of the AECC, because there is nothing more human, more vitalthan to recognize the provision of service to others and the achievements made by other people.

In an event in which, in addition to the councilors, various authorities also participated such as the Minister of Health of the Authority, Alejandro Vázquez, or the president of the Provincial Deputation of Valladolid, Conrado Íscar, the councilor also indicated that he was a tribute to each member of the AECC-patients, members of their families, volunteers and professionals-, partners and collaborators, “who, day after day and selflessly, work together to fight cancer and improve people’s lives”, reports Ical.

Currently, the Provincial Council has 27 professionals, 15,000 members, around a thousand volunteers and more than 500 employees. “All of them do an excellent job in Valladolid in all areas: prevention, support and assistance to the patient and their family, maintaining a positive attitude towards the disease at all times and in all circumstances and situations,” Carnero emphasized.

THE mobilization capacity Another aspect that was highlighted was the role of the Provincial Council, ensuring that it manages to convey the voice of society to public authorities to develop appropriate policies in the prevention and control of cancer, and promotion of oncology research. As an example, he cited the Cancer Walk organized in Valladolid, in which more than 400,000 people participated during its twelve editions.

At the same time, Carnero alluded in his speech to the important work carried out by the AECC in research topicand referred in this context to the recent appointment last July of the president of the Association of Valladolid, Artemio Domínguez, as a new member of the board of directors of the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, which has been promoting research since more than 50 years ago and which converts the support received, through the provincial headquarters of the Association, from partners, companies, sponsors and thousands of anonymous donors, into research projects that contribute to the work carried out by the scientific community. In this sense, he recalled that the AECC currently allocates more than 110 million euros for the development of more than 600 research projects.

identity sign

Finally, the mayor plead for common workof the public and private sphere, “to meet the needs of people, our neighbors and contribute to improving their lives. This requires us to commit to social values ​​of collaboration, teamwork, support, perseverance and commitment. In this sense, he declared that “Volunteerism, solidarity and responsibility are and must be our guide in public actiona, in political action and, of course, in human action. All members of the AECC are our reference, they are a sign of identity and an expression of volunteerism, solidarity and responsibility.

For his part, Artemio Dominguezassured that this distinction of the city “makes us feel loved and protected for the people who share our work and this gives us the best encouragement and the most important reason to express immense gratitude and renewed spirit to continue fulfill our mission which aims to prevent cancer by informing and promoting healthy lifestyle habits, supporting and accompanying people with cancer and their families and funding oncology research.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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