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‘The Economist’ accuses Pedro Sánchez of “clinging to power at the expense of Spanish democracy”

The British economist accuses the president of the governmentPedro Sánchez, to remain in power “to the detriment of the quality of Spanish democracy”. In an article, he describes the head of the Executive as a “clever and ruthless strategist”. “Sanchez’s abrupt changes in position on state issues for the sole purpose of remaining in power contributed to reinforcing public cynicism toward Spanish democracy,” he says.

‘The Economist’ says Sánchez “governs at the whim of radical Catalan and Basque nationalists”, even though “many voters preferred” a coalition with the PP. “He decided to move forward, gathering support from eight different parties,” he continues.

Among these formations, the newspaper highlights the Junts, led by Puigdemont and the amnesty law“the only important measure that the government has managed to approve in ten months”. “Sánchez had always opposed it, but he accepted it and imposed it in Parliament.”

The media criticizes the government could not approve budgets last year and “probably” won’t do so by 2025 either.

Furthermore, he also talks about investigation into Begoña Gómez and that Sánchez declared himself a “victim of political persecution”: “When the scandal broke, instead of apologizing, Sánchez blamed the “extreme right” and said he wondered if political life was worth it. penalty. “He put the Spaniards under a five-day ‘reflection period’ before getting back to work.”

Finally, ‘The Economist’ criticizes the fact that the government has “placed” to former politicians in “so-called independent” positions. Among them, José Luis Escriva, director of the Bank of Spain. They also claim that he “instructed the public prosecutor to prosecute the judge who is investigating his wife.”

On the other hand, he mentions “achievements” of the Government, like increasing the minimum wage or the reduction of abuses in terms of temporary contracts. In addition, employment is growing “rapidly” and the Spanish economy, although “suffering more than its neighbors from the pandemic”, has experienced growth “more than double the euro zone average in 2023”.

However, remember that the COVID recovery fund “It will be exhausted in 2026”, which is why, he insists, “expansive budgetary policy cannot last”

Finally, he criticizes the opposition, “ineffective and divided”, which makes it “Sánchez’s greatest asset”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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