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HomeLatest NewsThe Egüés Valley, Pamplona and Burlada are the municipalities in Navarre where...

The Egüés Valley, Pamplona and Burlada are the municipalities in Navarre where crime increased the most in the second quarter of 2024.

THE police forces operating in Navarre recorded between January and June of this year 16,866 criminal offences4.4% more than in the same period of 2023. In this way, the crime rate for the last twelve months In the Autonomous Community, there are 53.3 criminal offences per 1,000 inhabitants, 1.2 points higher than the national average.

This is data from Crime report which was published by the Ministry of the Interior and which includes the evolution of crime in Spain recorded in the second quarter of the year by the State Security Corps (National Police and Civil Guard), the Security Bodies dependent on the Autonomous Communities (Ertzaintza, Mossos d’Esquadra and Foral Police of Navarre), as well as by the Local Police Corps that provide data to the Security Forces and State Bodies. Precisely, these data have revealed which is the Navarrese municipality in which the most crimes occur.

Between January and June, the drug trafficking crimes (from 73 to 95) and serious and less serious offences of injury and rioting increased by 28% (from 161 to 206).

Crimes against sexual freedom increase by 10% (In this chapter, sexual assaults with penetration decreased (from 42 to 25), while the rest of the crimes against sexual freedom increased by 25.4% (from 138 to 173).

The number of intentional homicides and murders The number of committed (2) and intentional homicides and attempted murders decreased by 16.7% (from 12 to 10), according to the report.

Within the flightsthose committed with the use of force in homes, establishments and other facilities decreased by 12.8% (from 744 to 649), and thefts with violence and intimidation decreased by 8.9% (from 192 to 175). Vehicle thefts decreased by 4% (from 75 to 72) and thefts by 2.2% (from 3,400 to 3,326).

In this way, the Conventional crime increases in first half of the year of the year by 7.1%. On the other hand, cybercrime decreased by 4.7%. Thus, computer scams decreased by 6.4% (from 3,287 to 3,075), while the rest of known cybercrimes increased (from 424 to 461).

Finally, the arrest and investigation rates Between January and June, it was 179 per 1,000 criminal offences. And the percentage of criminal offences solved was 35.7%.


He Crime report includes the distribution of municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. Therefore in the valley of the EgüésThe number of criminal offences remains with a minimum variation of 0.6% (from 344 to 346). The crime rate is 32.9 criminal offences per 1,000 inhabitants.

In Pamplona, Criminal offences increased slightly by 1.5% (from 6,762 to 6,864). The crime rate is 75.3. In Tudela, the increase was 9.8% (from 1,208 to 1,326 criminal offences). The crime rate is 70.9. and in MockedThe number of criminal offences increased by 10.8%, from 305 to 338, with a crime rate of 33.7 offences per 1,000 inhabitants.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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