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HomeBreaking NewsThe eleventh day of the Patriotic War: the enemy receives devastating blows

The eleventh day of the Patriotic War: the enemy receives devastating blows

October 7, 2020: eleventh day of the Patriotic War, which led us to the freedom of our lands.

Oku.Az remember that four years ago today, the President, Commander in Chief Ilham Aliyevoperational at the Central Command Post of the Ministry of Defense under the leadership of consultation is carried out.

Ministry of Defense information reports that the enemy is losing a lot as a result of the attacks of the Azerbaijani army during fighting in different directions of the front. Up to 10 enemy tanks, six “D-20” guns, one self-propelled artillery unit “Acacia”, up to 30 vehicles and a large amount of manpower are destroyed. A group of soldiers from the Armenian army units located on the defense lines desert and abandon their combat positions on their own.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev CNN-Turkish and “Euronews” Gives interviews to television channels.

The Ministry of Defense of the destroyed military equipment of the Armenian army. the list reveals: from September 27 to October 7, the enemy destroyed up to 250 tanks and other armored vehicles, up to 270 artillery, volley rocket systems and mortars, up to 60 air defense systems, 11 command and control and command posts and observation, eight ammunition depots, up to 150 vehicles and one “S-300” anti-aircraft missile complex are destroyed.

The Ministry of Defense shares video images of the destruction of equipment abandoned by Armenian soldiers on the battlefield, as well as various military equipment belonging to the enemy army.

According to information from the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan as of October 7, the number of civilians who died as a result of the intense fire of the Armenian armed forces with heavy artillery and rocket systems against our residential areas reached 30, and the number The number of injuries reached 143, 66 civilian properties and 427 homes were seriously damaged.

The Prosecutor General’s Office also used the bomb banned in Armenia Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan is spreading information about how to attack the pipeline.

The information indicates that members of the armed units of the armed forces of Armenia, using methods of warfare capable of causing significant destruction, on October 6 at 18:30, destroyed the demilitarized zones of the Yevlakh district of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as non-military targets, crude oil clearly visible, distinguishable and directed at pipelines exporting condensate, as well as missile attacks on facilities that are not participating in hostilities and can cause significant damage to civilian objects, using weapons , means of warfare and methods prohibited by international law in the direction of the Aran settlement in the Yevlakh district, which is located at a distance of at least 50 kilometers from the area where military operations are carried out. 9M525 shrapnel descended from “Smerch”, with great destructive power, fired from a rocket salvo missile with 300 9N235 bombs inside.

As a result of the neutralization of the missile in the air by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, a part of the bombs inside it were placed on the expanded South Caucasus oil pipeline, 42 inches in diameter, which passes through the Aran settlement in the Yevlakh district, and a part of it was transported through that area to the Western Export Pipeline, which transports crude oil to the Black Sea coast, and other parts were dispersed 100 meters from the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline that passes through that settlement.

Additionally, on October 7, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) belonging to Armenia was detected and immediately destroyed by units of the Azerbaijani Air Defense while attempting to fly in the area of ​​the state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Agstafa region. .

An image obtained from the “Azersky” satellite of the Sugovushan area is presented, which was liberated by our glorious army under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and where our tricolor flag flies.

Aziza Ismayilova


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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