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The end of the funnel

The La Colada reservoir will finally be uncorked with the end of the funnel of the water crisis in the north of the province of Córdoba. The Andalusian Government has awarded the company Jicar the work to complete the reservoir connection network – built in 2006 – with the Sierra Boyera and thus be able to distribute the useless water that it has stored for fifteen years to the regions of Guadiato and Los Pedroches. The shameful episode that we have been witnessing for years with about thirty villages and eighty thousand Cordovan people without domestic water has reached the expected epilogue, never free of controversy and political missteps of the worst kind, since the shortage only worsened at a time when electoral appointments were overflowing. the calendar in the face of the boredom of respectable people. It is worth remembering with La Colada to understand the surreal and unjust situation that has been experienced for almost two decades and to this day. The drought of 1995 was so voracious that it taught the political class that it was necessary to build a reservoir north of Córdoba. Those months of real misfortune even allowed the creation of a backup link between Puente Nuevo and Sierra Boyera, which has now been vilified, vilified and belittled. Between two fires, the Government came to promise it at the last minute, and we continue to wait… The Government decided to build the La Colada reservoir in this way with a long side entering the northern cornice by El Viso and a notable capacity to reinforce the water reserves next to the Sierra Boyera and ensure between them almost one hundred cubic hectometres. The work was completed in 2006 by the Hydrographic Confederation of Guadiana and then it was the turn of the Andalusian government, in the hands of the socialists, to complete the task: a secondary network to carry the water from the dam to the reservoirs. A sort of network of pipes one kilometer long and some necessary complementary installations. But the Chaves government stopped the work when there was only ten percent left. It did so in 2009 and since there were only small bursts of drought afterward, everyone forgot the cap, even if they enjoyed the exoticism of an inland beach next to the mooing of the Vallesan cows. The water deficit was increasing and the wolf ears were beginning to dig in. show. It was then that the arrival of the PP on the Board of Directors allowed the resumption of a strategic project and the beginning of a more agile process (which lasted five years) to complete an essential network. And a few years ago, while the project was underway, the drought broke out in all its splendor and the political mud surfaced, leaving priceless statements and moments. A PSOE blaming the PP for ending La Colada and fulfilling its obligations, a government playing the yenka and orchestrating a temporary failure of seized pipes and contaminated water – knowing the stagnation and the state of the water basin without movement – and a Provincial Council that has returned to popular hands… bailing out water to solve a serious problem and adding the rest, as it demonstrated with its performance in Sierra Boyera. The rain came and the promises were kept.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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