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HomeBreaking News"The ERC document is much more selfish than socialist"

“The ERC document is much more selfish than socialist”

The PSOE celebrates this Saturday the first Federal Committee since the agreement reached between the PSC and the ERC for a single financing in Catalonia and the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano Garcia-Pagearrived with loaded guns. “They didn’t call me, I have no information. I come with a huge concern for the country and for the founding values ​​of the left and social democracy,” he noted upon entering Ferraz.

The general secretary of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha took advantage of his intervention before the media to demand that the leadership copy of the agreement signed with ERCa document that “nobody has shown me” and that “only reflects the independence coupon, what the ERC says, not what the PSOE supports,” he criticized.

“I spoke at the end of July referring to the Esquerra Republicana project, but the truth is that at this point you don’t need to talk to me. All I need is for you to give me a copy of the signed agreement. This catches my attention Let everyone talk about the fulfillment of what was signed. and I have not seen any signed document,” he stressed.

“Incomprehensible and indefensible”

Page added that this document which sets out ERC “He is much more selfish than socialist”“frankly incomprehensible and indefensible.” “This match It was founded to avoid privileges. When the fiscal stimuli of 10 million euros are compared to Cuenca, Teruel or Soria either it’s a joke or it’s an attempt to confuse people“Here we all know what it is about. I don’t think there are many fools who would believe that. This is a serious document from the constitutional point of view and socialist values,” he said.

Page justified that “the constitutional consensus cannot be overturned” and stressed that “it is activism is much bigger and broader than the leaders of today, tomorrow and the past.” “We must understand that an important part of activism is self-criticism. A necessary condition for the left,” he reiterated.

“Here we are all against Vox and the PP government, but this is not a blank check to be able to even play with values and the principles of the PSOE“It’s not at any price,” he stressed.

The President of Castilla-La Mancha asked “what is unique about a kidney disease in Tortosa compared to someone who has it in Valladolid” or “what does a child from Las Ramblas have to learn that another child from Almendralejo does not need to learn”.

Finally, Page indicated that he would congratulate Salvador Illa because “it brings a lot to Catalonia and is a substantial part of the solution there”, but he indicated that he was also prepared to “not agree”. “He, as president, He must defend what he considers to be best for Catalonia and I, as president, must do the same.but this is a national policy without intervention from any community,” he concluded.

This Saturday, Sánchez faces for the first time, since his re-election in 2017 as secretary general of the party, the opposition of several of its most critical barons, including Emiliano García-Page and Javier Lambán. They attended the conclave all the socialist baronswith the exception of the Asturian Adrián Barbón, who, due to scheduling problems, was unable to represent his federation.

As EL ESPAÑOL – EL DIGITAL CLM learned, the president of Castilla-La Mancha prepared his intervention at the Federal Committee with the two regional vice-presidentsJosé Luis Martínez Guijarro and José Manuel Caballero. Likewise, after the last Government Council, he had a long meeting with his Treasury AdvisorJuan Alfonso Ruiz Molina, to confirm his speech.




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