Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - 10:09 pm
HomeBreaking NewsThe error of the PP cannot hide the indignity of the Government

The error of the PP cannot hide the indignity of the Government

Alberto Nuñez Feijóo He today apologized to the Spanish people for his party’s mistake in voting yes for a legal reform that will put dozens of ETA prisoners on the streets. The error, which Vox also made, occurred after the PSOE added to the transposition of a European directive an additional provision unrelated to it and which will allow the release of 44 ETA prisoners, including the assassins of Miguel Angel Blanco And Fernando Mugica.

Feijóo is committed to working to mitigate the consequences of his error, although it seems difficult for this effort to go further than voluntarism given that any future rectification would require the support of the PSOE, which is the first interested in the publication of terrorists. in exchange for EH Bildu’s support in Congress. The PP also announced that it would not take any action against those responsible for the error.

Feijóo’s public apology is laudable, but it does not mitigate the responsibility of the PP in approving a measure that will have devastating consequences.

Because the PP voted not once, but twice for the reform, and because the Association of Victims of Terrorism had already warned in 2022 that this legislative change would lead to a reduction in sentences for murderers like Txapotewhose sentence ended in 2031, but who will be released six years earlier than expected.

Faced with an error of this type, it is difficult not to fall into the demagoguery of wondering what is the function of the 137 PP deputies and their more than a hundred advisers hired as temporary agents in Congress and the Senate, beyond voting. in the direction determined by its leader.

The transformation of deputies and senators into simple “button pushers” is, moreover, one of the most obvious consequences of the lamination of this article 67.2 of the Constitution which says that the members of the Cortes Generales “shall not be bound by an imperative mandate”. “.

Return ownership of their vote to deputies, that is, make them responsible for their mistakeswould undoubtedly lead to a significant improvement in the quality of our democracy.

But the tree of the inexplicable error of the PP cannot hide the forest of the scandalous maneuver of a PSOE which added to an unacceptable fund, the approval of a reform aimed at freeing terrorists in exchange for the permanence of the power. Pedro Sanchez in Moncloa, regrettable forms more typical of a political shell. Forms clarified by the misleading insertion of a complementary provision unrelated to the main object of the voted transposition.

The last photo of what happened in recent hours at the Cortes Generales shows a very desperate photo for the Spanish people, stuck between the sword of a few careless deputies and the wall of a government majority ready to do anything, including release from prison. .of ETA, prevent or delay to the limit of what is tolerable in a democracy the alternation at the polls.




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