Home Breaking News The exciting rescue of Aurora, a one-month-old baby rescued from DANA in...

The exciting rescue of Aurora, a one-month-old baby rescued from DANA in a suitcase

The exciting rescue of Aurora, a one-month-old baby rescued from DANA in a suitcase

DANA’s passage through Valencia left behind shocking stories like that of Aurora, a one-month-old baby whohe managed to escape from the strong storm stuffed in a suitcase.

As the newspaper revealed ‘Levant“, the flood surprised, on October 29, the littlehis mother and his grandmotheras they traveled by car from the Alfafar commercial area. Seeing that the situation was getting worse, they decided to get out of the vehicle. With great difficulty, Flor, Aurora’s mother, managed to give up tourism. Then the little girl’s grandmother passed her through the trunk, preventing the water from reaching the baby.

Once out of the vehicle, they began to look for a place where be able to get to safety. With the water up to their waists and the young girl tall, the two women decided to walk facing the current as close as possible to the wall of the ships.

The mother, who had a cesarean section just a month ago, told the aforementioned media that at that time His only obsession was to save his daughter. Eventually, they found other people who were also taking shelter from the rising waters. The mother decides to entrust the little girl to Azahara, a woman who offers her help. “I saw that she was a tall woman and that’s why I think I left it to her,” the mother recalled.

Azahara told ‘Levante’ she was standing against a wall when she saw the three women try to find a safe place. “I walked up to a stand and from there I went to Aurora, climbing a fence without thinking about it. It was a good decision to go after them,” he said.

After that, the three women, the baby and two other men decided to take refuge. in an auto parts storegoing up to the offices which were on the second floor. There they found a suitcase in which they put Aurora to protect her in case the water continued to rise. “We put it there in case it should float and we covered it with jackets and a cloth,” they explained.

Finally, the Civil Guard arrived on site and rescued the people trapped on the second floor of the said company. “We heard the screams of several people and saw that they were climbing among the rubble, sticks and mud,” recalled Sergeant Del Río in Al Rojo Vivo.

Additionally, he confessed that one of the things that surprised him the most was seeing that the baby I was still sleeping despite everything that was happening. An exciting rescue that ended with a happy ending.


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