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The extraordinary parliamentary election in our country was the focus of the international press

The extraordinary parliamentary elections held on September 1 throughout the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan were the focus of international press.

AZERTAC reports that Anadolu Agency of Turkey, TRT media organization, Milliyet, Cumhuriyyet, Son Sakika,, Ensonhaber, Son Sakika, Haber Global and many other media organizations prepared written and video news on the parliamentary elections in our country.

“Azerbaijani President and his wife voted in Milli Majlis elections”, “Azerbaijani President Aliyev voted in Milli Majlis elections”, “Azerbaijani in the electoral process: elections are held in Karabakh”, “YSK Chairman Ahmet Yener: elections in Azerbaijan were held in orderly and transparent conditions”, “Azerbaijani the people elect: for the first time after 30 years”, “Azerbaijan holds elections in all its territories after 30 years”, “Brotherly country Azerbaijan in the electoral process” in the News broadcast with many headlines.

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the articles. Ilham AliyevFirst Lady Mehriban Aliyeva and daughters Leyla Aliyeva They are reported to have voted in Baku.

The news highlighted that ballot boxes were also set up in the regions of Azerbaijan liberated from Armenian occupation, thus for the first time in 30 years parliamentary elections were held in all territories of Azerbaijan.

It was noted that 990 candidates from 125 electoral districts of the country competed in the elections, which were attended by a large number of observers from international institutions such as the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Organization of Turkic States and the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking States. Azerbaijan is holding elections to determine members of parliament for the seventh time.

The news also included an interview given by Ahmet Yener, Chairman of the Supreme Election Authority of Turkey (YSK), to the media of the brotherly country. It was reported that the YSK Chairman emphasized in his interview that September 1 is an important day for Azerbaijan’s democracy and history and said: “After the victory in the Second Karabakh War, which lasted for forty-four days, parliamentary elections are being held for the first time in all countries. The elections are for the people of Azerbaijan and the Turkic world. I wish them to be good. We see that the elections were held in an orderly and transparent manner. Voter turnout is very high.

The election of the Azerbaijani Milli Mejlis was also the focus of attention of the Russian media. Thus, the Russian media announced that these parliamentary elections occupy a special place in the history of Azerbaijan, that they were held for the first time in the independent territory of the country across its entire sovereign territory and that they express the unity of the people.

One of the Russian observers, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Ilyas Umakhanov, in an interview with the “Vestnik Kavkaza” agency, spoke about the importance of these elections for Azerbaijan and noted that voting took place throughout the sovereign territory of our country. Stressing that Azerbaijanis have returned to their homeland, he said: “Today we are witnessing the fulfillment of the will of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, son of President Ilham Aliyev.” He stressed that Russia fully supports Azerbaijan’s policy and that the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Baku contributed to strengthening friendly and neighborly relations between the two countries.

Another interlocutor of the agency, Secretary General of the Palestinian Authority of the CIS Dmitry Kobitsky, shared his opinion on the preliminary results of the monitoring of the parliamentary elections and noted that none of the observers noticed any shortcomings in the organization of the voting. According to him, the polling stations and district election commissions were well prepared and there were no complaints from local observers.

“” published the opinion of Natalia Kosikhina, a member of the delegation of the Russian-Belarusian Parliamentary Union. She said that the elections were held in accordance with democratic norms and procedures. No violations of the law were recorded that could affect the voting process. “The elections were fair, open and accessible,” Nataliya Kosikhina said.

Gurban Hossein, a member of the British House of Lords who participated as an observer at the Shusha polling station, also told the publication in an interview that the parliamentary elections took place without problems.

The report of the interstate television company “Mir” mentions that about 600 international observers observed the voting process. Andrey Yatskin, coordinator of the group of international observers of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS, assessed the presence of visual material at the polling stations and the fact that the political organizations that assigned their observers to the precinct election commission were following the voting in the same way. something positive.

The Belarusian newspaper has learned the opinion of the head of the CIS observation mission Leonid Anfimov. L. Anfimov noted that voters are responsible for voting, they know for whom they will vote and stated that this is the result of the correct conduct of the electoral process.

TASS also covered the parliamentary elections in detail. The materials containing the opinions of the members of the CIS observation mission indicate that the polling stations are technically well equipped and that the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan and other state institutions cooperated with the observation mission.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta reminds that these are the second elections held after the restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. The article mentioning that presidential elections were held in Azerbaijan in February states that 990 candidates are running for deputy seats.

The Interfax news agency has published the results of the exit poll. According to preliminary calculations, the agency reported that the candidates of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party are in the majority in the elections of the seventh convocation of the Milli Majlis.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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