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The family of former minister Blasco tries to buy back the assets seized by the courts for the plundering of cooperation funds

Rafael Blasco Císcar, son of the former PP councillor Rafael Blasco convicted of corruption, Latvian citizen and resident of Benifairó de la Valldigna, magistrate by profession. These three people were the ones who attended the auction of 1% of agricultural land with a house for tools that the Court of Auditors requisitioned from Rafael Blasco to pay for the plundering of the Cooperation funds of the Generalitat Valenciana during the years 2008 and 2010. Orange groves of approximately 25 hectares are part of a farm located in the Barraca d’Aigües Vives (Alzira) that Blasco gave to his son, but of which he kept 1%. After his conviction, the justice demanded these assets from him. Next to this farm is the manor house that the councillor built during his political career and which includes three homes, a swimming pool and a sports field. In this case, they seized 100% of the property, which was sold at auction for 620,000 euros and was taken over by the Portuguese real estate company Inéditenigma.

According to information held by, the auction of 1% of the orange farm that took place in 2021 was more than scandalous and, after several offers above the market price, the farm was finally sold well below the price. real.

The auction started at 600 euros and all the candidates bid. After several offers, the neighbour of Benifairó de la Valldigna, Carmen Ramis, opted for 2,000 euros. Rafael Blasco Císcar, known artistically as Rablaci, and the Latvian citizen Gints Lazdins continued to bid until reaching 40,606 euros. What is unusual is that setting the price of 1% of the orange groves at more than 40,000 euros would mean that the 25-hectare farm would have a value of more than four million euros. Something fictitious and unreal given the price of rural land.

The land auction was won by Gints Lazdins, the son of the former councilman, who won by one euro, while he had bid up to 40,605 euros. But the story did not end there. A few months after the auction and when she had already forgotten about it, Carmen Ramis received a call from the High Court of Justice telling her that she had won the property for 2,000 euros, the other two candidates having given up on finalizing their bid. The neighbor deposited the 2,000 euros and the 1% ownership was registered in the registry, as was able to confirm.

A few months after obtaining part of the property of the farm and just when the Justice filed the lawsuit against Rafael Blasco Císcar in the IVAM case, in which his mother, Consuelo Císcar, was sentenced to a year and a half in prison, the neighbor of Benifairó de la Valldigna contacted the family of the former councilor to be able to co-manage the property of which she was already a co-owner. After this first contact, Carmen Ramis had an appointment in a bar in the Barraca d’Aigües Vives with the former director of IVAM, who put 6,000 euros on the table, an amount that the woman refused to accept. Ramis, who is a magistrate, offered to pay her the 40,505 euros to be returned to the Court of Auditors, with the exception of the 2,000 that she paid for the land, which would satisfy her investment.

In the absence of an agreement between the two parties, Rablaci sued the judge to obtain 1% of the property for 2,000 euros. Both in the first instance and in the Provincial Court, the son of the former councilor managed to win his case in two striking judgments, even though the plaintiff even stated in writing that he would have paid 40,605 euros for 1%. The case is now before the Supreme Court awaiting resolution.

As Carmen Ramis explains in her resources to which had access, Rablaci and the courts are wrong to value the price of 1% of the property at 2,000 euros. “The identity of the highest bidder, and then the successful bidder, was always known, as well as the auction price, and that is why the lawsuit was filed on May 18, 2021. It should be noted that the actor never denied, even in the act of the preliminary hearing, that he was unaware of the conditions of the sale, among other reasons because he participated in the auction, took a position there, knew them all. , as well as the position taken by Mr. Gints Lazdins, for an amount of €40,606, only one euro more than the one taken by him previously (€40,605). He was also aware of Mr. Lazdins’ renunciation of the position he had taken, and since he could have obtained the undivided quota put up for auction, since the plaintiff was the second highest bidder, he decided not to register the rest of the price, to make my client the final winner and thus exercise, a posteriori, the action of withdrawal, and to be awarded the undivided share for an infinitely internal amount”, reads Ramis’ appeal before the Provincial Court of Valencia.

Furthermore, he adds, “the truth is that the actor had full knowledge of the conditions of the sale, without it being lawful and contrary to good faith, not to finalize his position and then exercise the withdrawal at a price lower than that proposed by him.” contacted Rablaci’s lawyer’s office, who received no response to questions about the status of the case and his client.

The marriage of Rafael Blasco and Consuelo Císcar and their children managed to accumulate a spectacular legacy in their life linked to politics and through important inheritances. According to, 51 properties are equivalent to 37 football fields. Without a doubt, the jewel in the crown was Blasco’s land in Alzira that his son and Consuelo Císcar are now trying to recover. In this already mythical home of Valencian politics, the couple managed to own dozens of works of art that were never claimed by justice to fill the hole of the different corruption cases in which they were involved.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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