Home Latest News The food that helps control blood sugar and lower blood pressure

The food that helps control blood sugar and lower blood pressure

The food that helps control blood sugar and lower blood pressure

Every time we live in a more globalized world. When you think about it, the technological aspects always come to mind, like being able to talk to people wherever they are, transcending geographic boundaries. But there has also been progress in foodbe able to take advantage of gastronomy and products from other countries.

The variety that exists in Spainas for foodis infinite, but you can taste foods that go beyond our borders. In terms of fruit, America is a major exporter. One of the healthiest is guavasbelonging to Central America, the Caribbean and South America.

This fruit has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. Of particular note are its fruits and leaves, with which infusions can be prepared. Among its advantages, It stands out for its richness in vitamins A and C, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

Benefits of Eating Guavas

  • These nutrients strengthen the immune systemthey take care of circulatory system and heart muscleso itIt helps lower blood pressure.
  • Guava in tea form has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant propertiesachieving a rejuvenating effect.
  • Guava helps control “bad” cholesterol and generate “good” cholesterol.
  • Control blood sugarparticularly in the event of hypoglycemia so that insulin works best by delivering sugar to the cells through the blood circulation.


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