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The forgotten director of “Road Story”: “He gave the actor the opportunity to do what he could”

“Teymur Bekirzade was primarily a master of documentary filmmaking. There are very few feature films in his cinematography. But with the film “Road Story” he gave Azerbaijani cinema a pearl that the audience always looks at with interest and makes them smile. This cinematic work is equal to dozens of films.”

This is how director Teymur Bekirzade is remembered. On the day of remembrance on September 21, friends of the arts are celebrating the late director. “Caspian” They shared their memories with the newspaper, “I could still make many successful films.”

“It allowed the actor to do what he could”

People’s Artist Haji Ismayilov recalls: “At that time, Azerbaijani film studios were completely different. Two thousand people worked there. There were workers, artists and composers working in that huge studio. The films shot were also considered pearls. At that time it was difficult to make films because there were talented young people, one of them made good documentaries, and his film “Dissonance” had already won awards as a director and was ready to be made into a feature film. Everyone at the film studio respected him and called him “Tima.” H. Ismayilov recalls his role in the film “Road Story” by the late director: “Taymur Bekirzade was entrusted with shooting the film “Road Story” based on the script by Asim Jalilov. Shooting such a comedy was a huge responsibility. But Teymur coped with it successfully. It became a well-known film by inviting actors. The success of the film was also due to the fact that I was among the actors in the film, including Siyavush. Aslan Also, in Naples, etc., they improvised as much as they wanted. It made it possible for the actor to do what he could. The airport scene was one of them. The late Jeyhun Mirzayev played the role of an airport employee there. The film was a huge success. The words used there are still in the language of the people. They laugh every time they remember it. Unfortunately, Teymur passed away prematurely. If he had lived, he would have made such successful films… Now, when I remember that film, I say: “I was lucky as an actor to have appeared in Teymur Bekirzade’s film.”

Random casting for the role of Farid

“I acted in two films by Teymur Bekirzade: “Clouds are our umbrella” and “Road story”. Teymur was a talented director. He liked to give freedom to actors. He had the ability to accurately choose the people around him,” said the performer of the role of Farid in the film “Road story” – actor and director Yusif Alizadeh recalls: “I was also an assistant to the director in the film. I was accidentally chosen for the film as an actor. Elkhan Ahadzade, the singer whom I invited to play the role of Farid, left on tour early in the morning and did not inform us. Teymur suggested Bekirzadeh. He agreed with a smile and said, “You are fining Yusif because his friend did not come.” I was chosen for the role of Farid. I had no difficulties because I knew the script by heart.” Y. Alizade claims that famous actors Siyavush Aslan, Yashar Nuri, Kamil Maharramov, Eldeniz Rasulov and Haji Ismayilov greatly contributed to the popularity of “Road Story” as a film:

“It took them half a word from Teymur Bekirzade, just one facial expression. At that moment they understood what the director wanted to say. Teymur Bekirzade was a talented person, it was not difficult to understand him.” Y. Alizadeh recalls: “The performer of the role of Mustafa was invited from Georgia. At the request of Teymur Bekirzade, I personally went to Georgia and invited Vakhtang Panchiludze, who played the main role in the film “Love at First Sight.” In the film, Vakhtang was shorter than Hamida Omarova. The height difference was not noticeable during filming. In some places we used to put a stone under his feet, said Professor Teymur. He would turn off the cameras, let Hamida finish laughing, and then apologize for laughing. Y. Alizadeh says that the film was a huge success after its release: “Road Story” became the most successful comedy film.

“Timur fell ill shortly before finishing the film”

Y. Alizade also recalls that his colleague was known as a documentary filmmaker until “Road Story”: “Teymur mainly made documentaries. He was a skillful director. Throughout his creativity, he also revealed a different directorial interpretation, turning to different genres. “Clouds are our umbrella” – he made the film with his brother Nicat. The last film he made together with Amin Novruzov was the feature film “Ika”, which tells about the activities of the USSR State Security Committee, which took place in Baku on January 20, 1990. I was about to finish the film. They told me: “You finished the film. I didn’t want it to be written in the film. ” The film was also successful at festivals.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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