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HomeEntertainment NewsThe “fortress” divided between two thirty-something Macronists

The “fortress” divided between two thirty-something Macronists

The “Fortress of Bercy” is about to explode. When designing the architecture of his government, Michel Barnier decided to share the keys to the economy and finances between two ministers, in the hands of a single man for seven years. The powerful Bruno Le Maire, number two in the previous government, will be succeeded by two thirty-year-old Macronists, without much notoriety or political weight of their own, but with experience of parliamentary life.

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Antoine Armand, 33, becomes Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, occupying the ninth position in the protocol rank. Laurent Saint-Martin, 39, responsible for the budget and public accounts, inherits the most delicate mission of the moment: finalising a budget for 2025 and stopping the worrying slide in public finances. Beyond this important redistribution, the choice of the new duo above all announces great political stability. The liberal-inspired economic line defended since 2017 should not give way.

The change in the borders of Bercy, which was the subject of negotiations until the last minute, is officially justified by a concern for efficiency. Over the years, Bruno Le Maire had become simultaneously responsible for the economy, finance, industry, digital, energy, tourism and foreign trade, and had no less than three ministers delegated and a secretary of state.

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There is no breakup to wait for

“Liners of this type end up not being able to navigate” judges one of the supporters of the new structure. During the legislative campaign, the president of the RN Jordan Bardella had also announced his intention, if he became Prime Minister, to divide Bercy in the same way, in order to “ Strengthen political control over the administration »Separating the Minister of Economy, who is responsible for supporting companies or sectors, from the one who oversees public funds, could also limit certain expenses.

Following Laurent Wauquiez’s refusal to succeed Bruno Le Maire, the Bercy rift between two political lightweights should above all prevent Michel Barnier from clashing with a super-minister. Especially since energy-related issues will once again be the responsibility of Agnès Pannier-Runacher, now Minister for Ecological Transition and Energy. And since Laurent Saint-Martin is directly linked to Matignon. With his chief of staff, Jérôme Fournel, who until now headed Bruno Le Maire’s cabinet, the Prime Minister will thus have direct control over the crucial issue of the budget.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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