Gaining muscle mass, avoiding the signs of aging, maintaining an agile mind… There are many goals that we seek to pursue through a healthy diet that includes the necessary nutrients to look better. In recent years, focusing on diet, many studies have been carried out by nutritionists talking about the most beneficial foods. In this sense, if you want to gain muscle while helping to strengthen bone tissue, there is a fruit, or rather its dehydrated version, which stands out for its properties.
The University of Oklahoma, USA, has published a latest study that discusses the benefits of daily consumption of prunes to increase IGF-1 concentrations by 17%. It is a protein that regulates growth hormone, improves bone development and promotes muscle tissue.
Eating prunes has multiple health benefits. It is already known that they are an excellent source of fiber, which improves digestion and prevents constipation. In addition, they contain antioxidants such as polyphenols, which protect cells from oxidative stress and support cardiovascular health. Their high potassium content helps regulate blood pressure, while minerals such as boron and magnesium strengthen bones and can prevent osteoporosis. In fact, the aforementioned study claims that a diet rich in prunes could reverse something that, according to the aforementioned study, can be reversed with a diet rich in dried plums: “Eating 10 prunes a day for a year has been shown to increase bone mineral density in the forearm and lower spine.”
They also help regulate blood sugar levels thanks to their low glycemic index and are a natural source of energy, promoting satiety and helping with weight control. In addition, their vitamin and antioxidant content promotes healthy skin and the immune system.
How many prunes a day are healthy?
To achieve significant benefits in muscle mass and bone strength, studies have determined that an effective amount of prunes is 50 grams per day. This amount is approximately five units and provides approximately 100 calories.
By consuming this daily amount, you can improve bone health thanks to the minerals such as boron and potassium present in this small fruit, and promote muscle development, benefiting from its essential nutrients. The versatility of this product makes it very easy to include in a balanced diet, either as a light snack, as a sweet contrast to stews or in salads or yogurts.