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HomeLatest Newsthe full program celebrating the arrival of thousands of sheep

the full program celebrating the arrival of thousands of sheep

Every year, the Navarrese town of Carcastillo becomes the epicenter of a unique celebration that honors one of the oldest traditions from the Iberian Peninsula: transhumance. This event, which revolves around the Traditional uses of transhumance in the Bardenas Realesis not only a tribute to an ancestral practice, but also an opportunity to preserve the cultural and natural heritage of the region.

THE migrationa phenomenon that dates back to time immemorial, consisted of seasonal movement of livestock from the mountains to warmer areas in search of better pastures. In NavarreThis practice has continued over the centuries, particularly in the Bardenas Realesa vast expanse of desert where Livestock find shelter during the winter months.

The event, held at the end of September in Carcastillohas gained notoriety. And every year, hundreds of visitors come to witness the arrival of the sheep. During this day, they will be able to enjoy activities that show the cultural richness of transhumance, while learning about the importance of protecting the environment and local customs.

One of the highlights of the festival is the arrival of the shepherds at Bardenas Reales. Thousands of sheep scatter across the desert landscape. Then there will be a tasting of the typical food of the shepherds, the crumbs.

The festival is not limited to the demonstration of transhumance. The program includes a variety of recreational, educational and gastronomic activities. The exhibitions that present the different trades linked to transhumance, such as sheep shearing, stand out. These exhibitions bring the public closer to techniques passed down from generation to generation, many of which are at risk of disappearing.

In addition, participants have the opportunity to taste typical products of the regionsuch as crumbs or lamb. Tastings are a fundamental part of the celebration, as they allow visitors to connect with the gastronomic essence of transhumance.

Beyond the cultural celebration, the festival also seeks to raise awareness about the importance of conserving the region’s natural environment. Bardenas Reales. This vast expanse, declared UNESCO Biosphere Reserveis a unique ecosystem that is home to a great diversity of flora and fauna. During the event, conferences and educational activities are organized that highlight the need to protect this natural space from the threats of climate change and human pressure.

Program of activities for the 2024 Transhumance Festival

THE programming This year’s event promises to be more dynamic and varied than ever. The program of the Festival of traditional uses of transhumance in Carcastillo 2024:

  • Saturday September 14
    • 10:30 a.m.. Child grazing with a flock of sheep. Departure from the old park.
    • 11:00 a.m.. Popular lunch in the old park.
    • 7:00 p.m.. Presentation in the multipurpose room of the library. Stories of two breeders from Carcastillo:
      • Ana Victoria Mendive and Silvia Lázaro (1st prize in the Spanish GourmetQuesos championship).
    • 7:30 p.m. Conferences-symposiums
      • “Shepherds’ School Project” by Eneko Eguiguren Ruiz, President of ARLADE.
      • “Livestock and transhumance in Bardenas” by Oscar Prada, promoter of the Bardenas Reales territory guard entities. Then, tasting of local products.
  • Sunday September 15
    • 08:00 Plan announcing the entry of shepherds and flocks into Bardena with the term “El Paso”.
      • Then, tasting of migas by the Community of Bardenas Reales.
    • 10:00 a.m. Opening of the traditional market on Calvario Street.
    • From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Kalejira Gaiteros and Comparsa de Gigantes by Carcastillo Dantzaris by Corella and Gaiteros by Tudela.
    • From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Participatory workshops, on the church square Ceramic wheel Felt
    • 1:00 p.m. Tasting, on the church square.
      • Bardenas lamb skewer, made and sponsored by the Bardenero Lamb Brotherhood.
      • Kuskus of lamb and vegetables, prepared by the Muslim community of the town and sponsored by the Carcastillo City Council.
    • 1:30 p.m. Farewell dance of the bagpipe players, troupe of giants of Carcastillo and the dantzaris of Corella and the bagpipe players of Tudela, in the church square.
  • All weekend
    • Pintxo bardenero in local bars.

This program, full of activities that highlight the transhumance heritagepromises to be an unforgettable celebration for those wishing to delve into the history and culture of Carcastillo and the Bardenas Reales​.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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