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The Generalitat Valenciana acknowledges that it has not carried out “a single action” for an office to combat gender violence in the third most populated city

The Generalitat Valenciana acknowledges that it has not spent a single euro to create an office to assist victims of gender-based violence in Elche, the third most populated city in the Valencian Community. In 2023, the city of Alicante registered more than half a thousand women victims of gender-based violence in the Viogen protection system.

The Executive chaired by Carlos Mazón states in a parliamentary response that the budget item has not been activated for the office of complaints and attention to victims of “violence against women” of Elche, a resource that has been operating in Valencia since 2019 and serves exclusively victims of sexist violence. “No measures have been taken for its implementation,” states the text in response to a question from the PSPV.

The answer was given by the Minister of Justice appointed by Vox until two months ago, Elisa Núñez, who already showed little interest in this type of resource. The extreme right insisted that the institution blur gender violence and label it as “intrafamily”. Since the overhaul of the Executive caused by the breakup of the extreme right, it is the popular Salomé Pradas, who is in charge of this department and will prepare next year’s public accounts.

The socialist head of Justice of the Valencian Courts, deputy Alicia Andújar, denounces the “inaction” of the PP executive in this case and criticizes “the lack of real commitment of the Consell de Mazón to combat this scourge, which has once again caused “a victim of the Valencian Community, a woman who has been a victim of gender violence on several occasions throughout her life and who has needed the psychological support and assistance resources offered by these offices.” “These offices, operational in Valencia since 2019, and in Castellón and Alicante since 2022, assist victims of gender violence from the first moment, providing them with psychological support and assistance resources, as well as guaranteeing them support during the judicial process. after the presentation of the complaint”, explains the parliamentarian.

The Elche office was a commitment included in the last budget of the Government of the Botanical Pact, with the Ministry of Justice under the responsibility of Gabriela Bravo. The project was included in the 2023 accounts and was frozen with the Mazón executive, which until two months ago left this portfolio in the hands of Vox.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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