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“The good must be united”

Vox leader, Santiago Abascaland the Argentine president, Javier Mileiintensify their political alliance to strengthen an extreme right-wing international in Latin America: both chaired the Madrid Forum this Thursday in Buenos Aires, with the participation of 40 panelists from 15 countries.

“In Argentina, a cultural battle for freedom is being waged that will define the future of all Ibero-American nations,” said the organizers of the event, called Forum Madrid Río de la Plata 2024 and which will last two days, until Friday night, Spanish peninsular time.

This is the fifth time in three years that Abascal and Milei (the former an ultra-rightist and the latter an anarcho-capitalist) have been involved in a political act that they believe will have global reach. Before meeting in Madrid, Buenos Aires and Rome.

The Madrid Forum had two regional editions: in 2022 in Colombia and in 2023 in Peru to warn and oppose the rise to power of left-wing politicians, Gustavo Petro and Pedro Castillo respectively. Always organized by the Disenso Foundation, think tank by Vox.

This time it was Abascal who addressed Milei, probably to receive something from the international family that accompanies the Argentine president. “Javier Milei has become a world leader, listened to by all the human beings in the world,” he flattered.

“Despite the austerity of ‘there is no money’ (Milei) maintains the affection of his people”rent. And he said that “on a wall in Buenos Aires I saw the legend ‘Milei I love you’ written”, but he compared this with the fact that “in Spain, Pedro Sánchez does not see graffiti of this type in the streets”.

“You can be very proud because you are fighting with the word and the strength of the people,” he stressed.

Of course, the host president rose to the challenge and strutted: “Not only do I put Argentina at the top of world fame, being one of the two most famous politicians with Donald Trump, but I also form the best government in the world.” Argentine history.

The audience (many Venezuelans and Brazilians who support former President Jair Bolsonaro) celebrated by applauding and chanting against several Latin American presidents. They insulted Nicolás Maduro, Lula da Silva, Gabriel Boric, Andrés López Obrador and Petro.

In addition to the leaders of Vox and La Libertad Avanza, Milei’s party, Andrew Olivastro, director of the American Heritage Foundation, linked to the Republican Party, and other right-wing and far-right politicians from the continent also participated.

They represent, according to the organizers of the forum, “Ibero-American and European patriotic forces that oppose socialism and defend freedom”. And they intend to “support the Venezuelan people and denounce the lukewarm response of the international community” while “recovering the spaces of freedom confiscated by the criminal left and the non-left in the Western world.”

In his speech, Abascal considered that “the bad guys are united” and among them he listed “those who confiscate private property, those who prohibit freedom of enterprise, those of the woke agenda, those of the gender agenda, those of the politics of memory, those of the new religions like the climate dictatorship.”

And he contrasts this with the fact that “the good guys must be organized and united” despite “minor ideological differences” against what he calls “all the versions of organized crime that represent 21st century socialism: communism, kirchnerism, sanchism, petrism“.

War and religion

Referring specifically to Spain, he defined the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, as “an autocrat drowned in political corruption.” And he mocked him by pointing out “I don’t know where Mr. Sánchez sees so many Lamborghinis, he must hang out with the privileged. There are Lamborghinis in the countryside, many tractors are Lamborghinis.”

He also argued that “Mr. Sánchez does not persecute the rich, he seeks the prosperity of all, poor and rich (because) what Mr. Sánchez wants is to hide his corruption.” And to encourage opposition to the socialist president, he said that “it is not written anywhere that Pedro Sánchez is an inevitable calamity: he is a calamity, but it is not inevitable.”

Milei thanked Abascal who “very generously described the international impact generated by what we do in Argentina” and maintained that “as leader of this movement, I must be at the forefront and have a high level of visibility.”

In a speech that was both warmongering and religious in tone, he called for the persistence of the fight against what he calls. “the dirty leftist” because, he added, “we must never abandon the battle, we must fight it without quarter even if it costs us our lives with the same fire as always.”

“We are fighting for our lives and our customs,” he concluded. “Heaven will crush them before us, do not be afraid of them. We have faith and we will fight. “We will be free, the number of soldiers does not matter, the only thing that matters is the forces of heaven.”




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