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The government and the board of directors attack

It was last Monday when the president of the Provincial Council of Salamanca, Javier Iglesias, announced that No invitation was “issued” to the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Luis Planas, to attend the inauguration of the Salamaq Fairthe most important in the sector in Spain and which opened its doors on Thursday with more than 1,500 heads but without the representative of the Executive with the argument that “last year – in the middle of an unprecedented crisis in the sector – it was not at the level of the breeders of Salamanca. The decision quickly aroused local, provincial and regional socialist complaints, but it was yesterday when a further step was taken with an exchange of harsh accusations initiated by the government delegate, Nicanor Sen, – he called a press conference for this purpose – and that the Minister of Agriculture of Castilla y León, María González Corral, responded bluntly.

Sen denounced “the veto” and considered it “a clear institutional disloyalty” carried out, according to him, “in collusion with the President of the Council”. After emphasizing that it is an “unmissable event” for Planas “in which he took the opportunity to share the challenges and needs with the sector”, he considered what happened “intolerable” and linked it to the “fear” that, in his opinion, Alfonso Fernández must both Mañueco and Iglesias “demonstrate with their presence and their speeches the lies” of both. And for the Leonese, the government of Pedro Sánchez “is the one that has done the most for the agricultural sector in Castile and Leon in recent decades and the Community is the one that has benefited most from numerous telephone helplines established by the executive.

To complete the complaint, her predecessor in office and member of the current government as Director General of Civil Protection and Emergencies, Virginia Barcones, went to the Fair yesterday in her capacity as Deputy Secretary of the PSOE of Castilla y León – the day before, there was no socialist representation to protest the absence of the minister. There, in line with what his party colleague said, he accused the PP of using the agricultural fair to engage in “partisan politics”, which implies, according to him, “also using farmers and ranchers” after “a few years”. difficult, where we have had to face various adversities in which, of course, the Spanish government has always been present. Soriana wanted to emphasize that the institutions must be “above” the parties and also Salamaq, while asking “what has he achieved” by not inviting the minister. “Instead of talking about this fair, a national or international reference, talking about having tried to dismiss” a member of the Executive, she replied before urging the PP to “apologize” and repeat the figures that it had already broken down. his replacement in the position he held, reports Ical.

The Council was quick to respond to these interventions. It was the head of Agriculture who called Nicanor Sen “the delegate of Sanchism” in the Community and asked him to “stop lying to the people of Castile and Leon” and to worry about obtaining “fair financing for this land”. González Corral wanted to transfer to Sen “the “Continued lack of respect for farmers and ranchers” of Castilla y León by the government and the minister, stressing that “they repeatedly forget the demands and needs” of the primary sector of the Community, which is why they considered “normal” their absence at the Salamanca fair due to the fatigue of the sector for so many unfulfilled promises.

“It happened with the EHÉ“, without taking into account the seriousness of the disease last year and without offering any financial support to the farmers abandoned by the ministry,” reflected González Corral, after affirming that “it was the government of Fernández Mañueco that allocated direct aid to care for all the affected farmers.

Finally, from the Salamanca Provincial Council, its spokesperson, Pilar Sánchez, responded that “the contempt and disloyalty” are on the part of Planas himself towards the breeders and the sector “by not fulfilling his own commitments”, while defending that “No one has been banned from entering and everyone is welcome at this fair.only that the minister was not invited because he did not deign to receive the breeders when they needed him most.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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