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HomeBreaking NewsThe government begins the process of overturning the Valencian law of concord...

The government begins the process of overturning the Valencian law of concord approved by Mazón with Vox

This Wednesday, the central government sent to the Generalitat Valenciana the proposal to begin the negotiation process on the Law of Concord of the Valencian Community approved by PP and Vox a few hours before breaking the coalition government.

This is the preliminary step to the denunciation of said regulation before the Constitutional Court.

The Executive of Pedro Sanchez He understands that these regulations “like those proposed by Aragon, already suspended by the Constitutional Court, invade the powers of the State, break the international consensus and do not respect the Spanish Constitution.”

This Wednesday, the PP abandoned the Concordia law that it had promoted when it governed alongside Vox in Castilla y León. popular They justified their vote against it by saying that “prudence” advised postponing consideration of the rule.

The Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory considers that the similarities between the two laws are “clear”.

“Similarities that result in the abrogation of an autonomous legal regime in matters of democratic memory that previously, in both cases, was aligned with state legislation and with the principles of international human rights law in matters of democratic memory,” they add. department.

Government arguments

In this regard, they state that “previous regulations are being replaced by regulations that reduce the sphere of rights and protection of victims of serious violations human rights, also preventing the full effectiveness of state regulations in areas of regional and local competence.”

“The Concorde Law interferes with the powers of the State and does not respect the international consensus on victims of serious human rights violations,” they say.

Furthermore, they consider that “the notion of victimthe right to truth, the right to reparation and guarantees of non-repetition are enshrined in this law.”

However, they understand that there is a “direct confrontation” between the regional regulations approved by the Valencian Cortes and the State’s Democratic Memory Law of 2022.

Vicente Barrera (Vox) and Carlos Mazón in the Valencian Cortes

José Cuéllar/Corts Valencianes

These sources also appreciate the confrontation of the Valencian Concordia law with the principles of public international law, “in which they refer to the right to the truth, the right to reparation and the guarantees of non-repetition, recognized to victims of serious violations of human rights within the United Nations.

The government also reiterates that the Article 10.2 of the Constitution stresses that the standards relating to fundamental rights and freedoms recognised by the Spanish Constitution will be interpreted in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international treaties and agreements on the same issues ratified by Spain, “something that does not respect the ‘autonomous right’.”

The communication sent sets the deadline for accepting or not the dialogue proposal until the next Monday September 30according to sources from the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory.


The Valencian president, Carlos Mazonadopted the standard. In an interview with EL ESPAÑOL, he defended that what was done “fundamentally was to maintain, and not to modify, the botanical law.

“It catches my attention when the PSPV or Compromís criticize that we have made a law in which the victims of Francoism are assimilated to those of the Transition or those of Democracy. They have already done it,” he added.

In respect, he defended that we must “respect, maintain, consolidate each of the rights acquired by the victims of Francoism, develop them, consolidate them and maintain them. And widen a door that the Botànic had already opened.”

In this sense, the head of the Consell is willing to “improve” the Valencian Concord Law in collaboration with the central Executive. The Generalitat will go to the bilateral commission with the Executive willing to “perfect” the text.




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