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HomeLatest NewsThe government makes fun of Soria, Cuenca and Teruel

The government makes fun of Soria, Cuenca and Teruel

The government accepted an aberrant measure Catalan quota with the separatists, which is illegal, lacking in solidarity, unjust and ineffective, but he also tries to do it by making fun of all the Spaniards, especially some of them.
The first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, said that what was agreed with ERC is not an economic agreement and that it does not break solidarity, accusing those who claim it of lying. opposite. Borrell explained clearly and technically what an economic agreement is: a tax system by which a region collects all taxes, keeps all this collection and then pays an amount for the services that the General Administration of the State provides in said region, an amount which. in regional governments, we speak of quota (Basque Country) or contribution (Navarre). It is a concert or an economic agreement, like the Basques and the Navarrese respectively, regardless of how Minister Montero presents herself. Therefore, those who do not tell the truth are not those who point out that it is an economic agreement, but those who deny it, like Montero and the entire government.

On the other hand, he also says what the government repeats: that does not harm any community autonomous, which will be beneficial for Spain as a whole and for each of its regions. It’s still wrong. Here, we make fun of all the Spaniards.

It is also said that the islands also have a financing system singular, while it is only a small specificity due to its island character – which Catalonia can never have, unless it also declares by decree that it is an island – and that both regions fall under the common financing regime. Here, we make fun of the Balearics and the Canaries.

On the other hand, those with which they most compare the favorable treatment that they wish to grant to Catalonia with the quota are Cuenca, Soria and Teruel, which, due to their depopulating nature, receive special aid for the operation of businesses. To say that the Catalan quota is the same as these small aids is to take citizens for imbeciles. Here, we make fun, and in what way, of the inhabitants of Cuenca, Soriano and Teruel.

This Catalan quota will have a budgetary impact, since it reduces the income of the AGE, since Catalonia retains all taxes. Moreover, even if Catalonia would receive more, given its budget execution trajectory over most of the last sixteen years, it would spend all these resources, and even more, thus increasing the overall deficit; For its part, the AGE would experience a greater deficit to be able to continue providing the services which are now financed with the percentage of revenues generated in Catalonia by state taxes that go to the AGE; the remainder of the CCAA would also introduce fiscal instabilitysince the greater contribution of the rich and the decrease in resources that would go to the net beneficiaries would mean that to provide essential services, they would do so on the basis of debt; the legal uncertainty that would result. this would increase the cost of debt and the debt itself, due to a reduction in revenues due to the negative impact that would occur on economic activity, thus increasing the deficit; Finally, a larger volume of debt would result in higher interest costs on this financing.

And no region would benefit, since solidarity would be broken and all would have to bear the loss, with the exception of the AGE. In short, all Spaniards would lose: if the AGE renounced the part of the taxes which are collected in Catalonia and which the AGE keeps: 50% of the income tax, 50% of the VAT, 42% of the ‘IIEE, 100% companies, to talk about the most relevant. Furthermore, since Catalonia would stop contributing to the solidarity of the rest of the regions, the reduction of the 1.5 billion that Catalonia currently contributes would have to be covered by the AGE – affecting, once again, all Spaniards; or the two other net contributing regions -Madrid and the Balearic Islands-, which are expected to increase their contribution. For their part, the net receiving regions would also be affected, since it would be impossible to compensate for the loss described above, neither by the AGE, nor by Madrid and the Balearic Islands, and there would be at least part of the funds which they now receive and which they would lose. Thus, many communities with fewer resources, such as Asturias or Castile-La Mancha, could lose 38.5 million and 127.5 million each year, respectively.

As we see, the one who lies is not the one who denounces the fact that the Catalan quota is aberrant, unfair, lacking in solidarity and impoverishing, but those who, in addition to promoting it to buy a few extra minutes in the blue bank, are trying to take all the Spaniards are stupid with the pilgrims’ and intellectually offensive arguments they brandish. They make fun of the Spaniards, take them for fools, make fun of citizens using non-existent comparisons and examples that attack intelligence.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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