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The government now claims that the extension of state accounts will not affect the forgotten A-81 of Cordoba

Pure surrealism. The extension of the General State Budgets (PGE) of 2023 will not pose any inconvenience to the Executive’s plans to convert the N-432 on the highway A-81.

The Government makes this surprising statement up to three times in as many parliamentary responses to the senator of PP Cristina Casanuevawho asked him for explanations on whether the delay in approving the state accounts for the current year will lead to “a reorganization of the planned investments” for the route of the road in question.


The government’s response is similar to the question posed by Casanueva on the sections between Cordoba and Espiel, and between Spiel And Badajozas well as for the section of road that connects Pinos Puente (Granada). “It is reported that the extension of the General State Budgets for the year 2024 will have no effect or will represent a disadvantage in the planned planning,” he emphasizes. In addition, in the response regarding the two sections furthest from the capital Cordoba, he emphasizes that “the drafting of the informative study will continue.”

The reality is that these informative studies are paralyzed in two of the three sections (Espiel-Córdoba is not even expected due to the environmental problem that this implies), as reported by ABC, so it is completely irrelevant that there is an extension in the General State Budgets.

A Banished Possibility

The Spanish government has openly admitted on several occasions that it has ruled out the possibility of building a motorway in the Córdoba-Espiel section, about 50 kilometres long, and that it would open the road from the capital Córdoba to Extremadura via the desired section -after the A-81. In addition, it has also buried the possibility of transforming the N-432 on the highway between Cordoba-Pinos Puente, the longest section with almost 140 kilometers of extension that goes to the 160 km between Cordoba and Granada.

In the section Cordoba-EspielThe informative study of this section could not obtain a favorable Environmental Impact Study due to the environmental difficulties encountered, declaring the expiration of the environmental procedure in 2014In the case of the section between Córdoba and Pinos Puente, the government has already recalled that “the expiration of the environmental declaration procedure” was declared in 2014.

From Cordoba to Granada, only a mini-section of 8 kilometers between Bridge pins and Atarfe since 2021. Otherwise, nothing is known. In a recent interview with ABC, the deputy government delegate in Córdoba, Ana López, said that by the end of the year the definitive schedule for this essential highway would be known.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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