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“The government pays, but the machine needs oil”

The Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard located the conversations of the commission agent Victor de Aldama and his connection to Venezuela with Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, in which he requested shipments of thousands of dollars in cash to “continue feeding the machine.”

This is reflected in a UCO report to which EL ESPAÑOL had access. Aldama speaks in these messages with Jorge Giménez, a trusted person of the executive vice-president of Nicolas Maduro’s regime. The UCO places this exchange “in a context marked by the close relationship between Aldama and Koldo-Ábalos”.

Many of Aldama’s actions were directly related to Venezuelan citizens. “at a significant political level”confirms the Civil Guard. Giménez, a businessman with whom the commission agent allegedly shared business, was one of these individuals.

The conversation takes place on May 12, 2020, shortly after Management Solutions awarded million dollar contracts of medical supplies in the midst of a pandemic. That day, Aldama contacted his Chavismo liaison officer and asked for money.

-You were able to look at me about the speciesIt’s a bit urgent for me my brother, with 50 I can manage. Cuddly.

Giménez tells him that he is trying to get it and asks: “How is the boss?” For the UCO, this association of comments is striking, when we wonder about the boss (José Luis Ábalos) following the request for money made by Aldama.

Especially because, as the UCO recalls in its report, Aldama and Koldo designate Ábalos as “the boss” on a regular basis. A few days later, on May 17, 2020, Aldama insisted to his interlocutor to know if he had been able to “move something from the species“.

It is clear from the tone of the conversation that the recipient of this money is someone known to both men. Aldama returns to the fray: “Okay, I need I’m here for what you know and I don’t know where to find it”.

The liaison officer with Delcy then responded by making him understand that he knew that Aldama was doing well and making money in Spain: “You are making money there! Don’t lie to me hahahahaha. “

On those dates, Aldama was immersed in the procedures for supplying masks to the different ministries of the General Administration of the State, with the approval and carte blanche, according to the UCO, of the minister of the time, José Luis Ábalos . took 6.6 million euros in bite-sized pieces million dollar contracts awarded to Management Solutions.

Esta circunstancia debía ser conocida por su interlocutor y queda reforzada por el siguiente mensaje que le manda Aldama: “Que me va a pagar lo tengo claro, pero ya sabes cómo funciona el gobierno para pagarte”. A renglón seguido, Aldama admite que para sellar esos exitosos negocios debe pagarse dinero en efectivo: “No tengo duda de que pagan pero la máquina necesita aceite”.

Esta afirmación, a juicio de la UCO, es de suma importancia para la investigación: “En un único mensaje liga dos elementos fundamentales de la causa: en primer lugar, confirmaría que el flujo económico que espera tiene directa vinculación con algún contrato dimanante de la Administración, que en esos momentos sería el negocio de las mascarillas”.

“Alimentando la máquina”

El 1 de junio de 2020, Aldama escribe de nuevo al enlace con Delcy para insistirle en su necesidad de dinero en efectivo. 

-Y de lo otro tú podrás mover algo, porque necesito para lo que sabes, seguir alimentando la máquina.

Finalmente, el 18 de junio de 2020, Giménez le responde: “los 80 (se entiende que 80.000 dólares)”. De algún modo, le había hecho llegar a Aldama ese dinero para que pudiera disponer de él en España.

Tal y como explica la UCO, para alguien carente de un puesto orgánico en el seno de la Administración, como era el caso de Aldama, la relación única y directa que mantenía con Koldo y el acceso que éste le proporcionaba a instancias superiores, “le permitieron asegurarse su participación, con beneficio propio y de terceros, en multitud de sucesos relevantes” como los que se detallan en el sumario del caso Koldo.

La conexión venezolana

La conexión venezolana de la Operación Delorme ocupa un amplio espacio en el informe de la UCO que previsiblemente llevará a Ábalos a sentarse en el banquillo de los acusados. En uno de esos pasajes se detalla cómo el exministro obtuvo “el beneplácito del presidente del Gobierno para la visita de Delcy Rodríguez” a España. Y ello, pese a que la vicepresidenta de Venezuela tenía prohibida la entrada en Europa, debido a las sanciones impuestas por la UE a altos cargos del régimen chavista.

Ábalos informó a Pedro Sánchez de los pormenores de la visita de Delcy a España, “poniendo en valor que [la actuación de la vicepresidenta venezolana] this would allow the recovery of Spanish debts in Venezuela. »

The minister’s message to Sánchez, dated January 16, 2020, read: “And to finish disturbing you, the vice president of Venezuela is coming privately on Monday and wants to see me discreetly in continuity from the meeting I had with the Minister of Communication (who is his brother). The management we agreed on in favor of Spanish companies allowed Duro Felguera to recover a significant debt. » Pedro Sánchez nodded and conceded: “Good.”

Ábalos passed the message to Koldo so that he in turn could warn Delcy via Aldama. After receiving the image, Koldo replied: “How much I love you”. In the next line, the minister of the time adds, in reference to Pedro Sánchez: “You see that he didn’t tell me anything, but At least he doesn’t have any problems.”.

The summary also includes a letter from Ábalos sent by Aldama to Delcy Rodríguez; letter which, in the opinion of the UCO, shows that the commissioner “would have used the highest levels of the Ministry of Transport to organize the trip” of the vice-president of Venezuela.

According to the same report, the UCO found on one of Aldama’s computers a photograph of a purchase and sale contract proposed by the Venezuelan National Development Fund (Fonden). 104 gold bars worth 68,498,254.11 US dollars.

The purchase and sale contract was concluded on December 27, 2019 and stipulates, in its fourth clause, that the delivery of the gold must be made between December 27, 2019 and January 6, 2020. Rodríguez would arrive in Spain shortly time later, on the night of January 20 of the same year.




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