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The government will sign this week the agreement to make retirement and salary compatible with social workers

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced that the government would sign this week the agreement with unions and employers that establishes a new regulatory framework that makes work and retirement compatible. “This same week, I announce that we will sign a key agreement with employers and unions that will facilitate access to a decent retirement for thousands of citizens,” Sánchez said in his speech at the socialist interparliamentary meeting.

Although no further details have been given about the agreement, union and Social Security sources have confirmed to Europa Press that it is an agreement aimed at making work compatible with retirement, which is part of the latest part of the reform of the pension system initiated by the former minister and now governor of the Bank of Spain, José Luis Escriva.

The social agents have agreed on a reform to design the new regulatory framework with which it will be necessary to work five years beyond the ordinary retirement age to make 100% of the pension compatible with the income from work. The proposal provides that the percentages of pension that will be received during the activity will be 45% with a delay of one year; 55% with two years; 65% with three years; 80% with four years and 100% with a delay of five years.

The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, recently went to Congress to detail the content of the document and present it to the parliamentary groups, who demanded from the minister a parliamentary timetable for it that Saiz did not propose.

In addition to establishing new conditions to make work compatible, the agreement also establishes a new procedure for access to retirement in very dangerous activities and the better use of mutual assistance resources in trauma processes. The parliamentary groups have asked the minister for more ambitious changes to define early retirement for professional reasons.

This new regulation is fundamentally based on determine the objective circumstancess, which allow the establishment of reduction coefficients to lower the retirement age, such as the incidence, persistence and duration of work stoppage processes; as well as declarations of permanent disability and death.

Regarding the developments in the regulations on partial retirement, it is established extend the possibility of early payment from two to three years, with limits on the reduction of working time. In addition, the conditions of the replacement are improved, since his hiring must be for an indefinite period and full-time in a non-repayable position.

A point is also included in the agreement to recover the multiplier coefficient of 1.5 applicable to the time paid to avoid damages in the case of discontinuous fixed-term contracts, since it is a contractual modality that alternates periods of work with periods of inactivity.

Regarding the special regulation of early partial retirement for workers in the manufacturing industry, the current framework will be extended until 2029 inclusive, which also includes some adjustments to improve the conditions of the relief worker and the design of a more balanced and flexible regulation for the company in terms of organizing the relief worker’s and the retiree’s day.

On the other hand, the postponement of retirement is improved with the possibility of receiving a additional incentive every six months of delay from the second year and not every twelve monthswhich completes the reform process started in 2021, which aimed to bring the effective retirement age closer to the legal age and established a new range of retirement options for workers.

Role of mutual insurance companies and premiums

A point of agreement was also reached on the development of what was agreed in the Agreement for Employment and Collective Bargaining (AENC), regarding the involvement of the Mutuals in Temporary Disability (IT), in the collaboration with the Public Health Services, by carrying out diagnostic tests on pathologies of traumatic origin, which will always be subject to the voluntariness and consent of citizens.

Furthermore, social agents and the Government have made progress in opening a line of work allowing the monitoring of computer indicators, in accordance with the provisions of the AENC, with the establishment of a control commission to monitor and control these agreements and their analysis of the evolution of Temporary Disability.

The agreement document provides for the lifting of the suspension established since 2019 of incentive for companies that significantly reduce accidents and a new system is agreed, based on the evolution of the accident rate which requires investments in prevention for its recognition.

It is articulated by an objective mechanism through which each company is assigned a classification of work accidents and occupational diseases, and which will be decisive, with the necessary investment in prevention, of the right to receive the incentive and its amount.

To recognize the incentive, each company’s accident data will be compared to the limits established for its economic activity. These ceilings are established with regard to the general accident rate (computer benefits for professional contingencies) and the extreme accident rate (deaths and recognitions of Permanent Disability), established according to your economic activity to verify whether or not they are exceeded.

If these limits are not exceeded, the company will improve one value in the classification (A, B, C and D) or remain in the maximum classification A. The right to the incentive (4%) will be acquired when the qualification is improved. and the incentive has improved (8%) if it remains at the maximum grade.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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