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HomeEntertainment NewsThe great misunderstanding of generations at work.

The great misunderstanding of generations at work.

For several years now, they have been the focus of criticism: if their leaders were to say they are “unfaithful”, “individualistic”, “resistant to authority”, “obsessed with balance”. between their personal and professional lives”, “too often give up quickly”. “They”, the young people of generation Z, born in the 1990s, arrive in a labour market that is now favourable to them and puts them in difficulties. human resources in companies. How many conferences, scientific studies, reports, press articles (including this one) or books focus on the burning issue of young people in the workplace?

The latest survey conducted by the Ipsos polling institute on behalf of the CESI engineering school, entitled “What is Generation Z’s relationship with the company?”, insists on the gap between each person’s expectations. Brice Dyer, Ipsos CEO speaks candidly about a “misunderstanding” among business leaders and young people aged 18 to 28. The numbers say it all: “86% of business leaders believe that Generation Z is really different from the previous generation, 70% that it is difficult to identify their professional aspirations and 49% of them that it is difficult to develop them in the business world. » For better or worse, a third of the entrepreneurs surveyed believe that the arrival of these young employees “degrade” the organization of work.

This misunderstanding is all the more significant since, due to demographics and the increase in working hours, up to four generations can now coexist in the professional environment. With clearly different work expectations, says Yann Orpin, director of the Cleaning Bio group, an SME specialising in industrial cleaning and president of Medef in the metropolis of Lille: “Older people are very attached to the notion of schedules, while younger people clearly ask for more flexibility, teleworking, flexible hours, etc.”

“A piece of the puzzle of your life”

The boundary between private and professional life is also more permeable for young people: “They talk quite easily about their private lives or family obligations at work…” But above all, consider that the work would not be “For younger generations, it is more than just a piece of the puzzle of their lives, while it remains central to that of older people”. Faced with this perceived evolution, companies must “learning to be more flexible in the way you manage teams, being pragmatic and intelligent so as not to lose talent, but without compromising your strategy and direction”wants to believe Yann Orpin. A new survey by the consulting firm Deloitte published on Tuesday, September 17, says it in other words: “The work remains [pour les jeunes] an essential pillar in terms of identity, but only after friends and family. »

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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