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The great success of Broncano (which pleased the right) and the biggest slip-up of his first show on TVE

The header of The revoltBroncano’s new program on 1, seemed really wonderful, sexy and playful: a tap on the table, a declaration of intentions.

It was clear to you from the beginning, to put basic hip hop, especially the song no ceiling (which means something like “for real” or “no double”) by Trueno, a 22-year-old Argentinian rapper. “I’m not 2Pac, but the whole club has their eyes on me,” he says. “I’m breaking the stage until six, but; not like those guys who get up to lip sync“. Diaphanous.

David comes to tell us that that’s it, that we already know our donkey, that his behavior is the same as always: the urban bonhomie of the guy who walks in the street and not just on the carpet. The gift of improvisation (not like Pablo Motos?). Freshness and a certain transversality: we understand the same thing in a sixty-year-old man as in a twenty-year-old girl, between the guinguette, the internet, the mountain and the library.

It started with an aerial shot of Madrid’s Gran Vía, lit up and chaotic, under construction and with a drum on fire, and with the comedian skidding through the city on the subway, skateboard and car, like in a video game, so as not to be late for his own party between UFOs, a King Kong, a giant octopus, nuts, karokes and pitis. Anyway: this is the crazy Madrid that we love and that blows us away.


The whole thing was practically the same as that of The Resistanceif it could be with a little more air of “vandalized ministry”, as he himself said. It was also identical in its macho essence: noise, joy, madness, Broncano crashing into banners until they broke (“inequality” broke him, but not “Spain”), confusion… and three guys with proven chemistry joking with each other. That testosterone feeling was a little tiring.even if the testosterone came from guys as bright and luminous as Grison (I like you! Call me).

But the best, the most honest and the most generous, the most intelligent and the most dedicated to public service of this first part, was be self-aware and to admit all the criticisms and prejudices that have weighed on the program.

They filled it with Spanish flags and a drum and happily attacked the government. Here are some of the hits: “Let’s see if people will come here and ask us for a Falcon”, “ah but we are not Perro’s hitmen, We are not the assholes of Puigdemont“, “I don’t charge 14 million euros, even if I tried… and anyway those 14 million euros don’t come from ALS patients or the Civil Guard”, “if we brainwashed the public, at the end of the program, half of them would be gay and the other half menas.” Not a bad start, right?

These jokes have a deep meaning: first, of course, to preserve their professional dignity. They are talented people with inspired scriptwriters, they have DNA, they react quickly, they are courageous and kaffirs. They do not want to see themselves under the thumb of a president, however handsome he may be. In addition, we know the market and the industry: honestly, they do not need it at all to eat hot. I like his ability to challenge.

But the main thing is that with these jokes they were addressing above all the viewers who listened to them with a fly behind their ear. To those who did not know them, to those who hated them directly, to those who were going, morbidly, to see them fail. To the supporters of Pablo Motos, to the conservatives, to those who think that these children have come to suck the breast of Spain.

It was degreasing and reassuring, it was pleasant for everyone. Those on the left relished the underlying irony. Those on the right, with the semi-parody of Sánchez, felt at home. And it’s perfect that this is the case, because TVE is everyone’s home. The style of Broncano and his people seemed Solomonic to me, lubricating and interesting on a narrative level. It was like a grandmother’s hug. Everyone has a place here.

Then Grison showed a drawing of Sánchez’s face pinned on his left chest (“after telling me I already had it tattooed… it was to justify my first month’s salary”). On the right chest, that of Pablo Motos (“so he can hire me next year when they close this for us”). This illustrated pathetic is adorable. This knowing that during the next cleaning of the chain, you could be the one walking through the door. There is nothing more democratic than not giving yourself too much importance.

A few more political jokes, in case it wasn’t clear that this group will do what it wants: they promised Catalan subtitles made with AI (with nods to Puigdemont and Pela) and they showed some royal chairs for future visits by the monarchy. “You are invited. Victoria Federica can come with a bullfighter she met in Estepona… and Froilán can even come in with weapons if he wants.”

They also inaugurated the giant “parliamentary question” label: it is designed so that Congress can quickly find the problematic content of the previous recorded program and thus reprimand Sánchez for whether he is really paying for this garbage with public money. The answer, as they say, is “yes.”

They even have pets to tease Pablo Motos, and their names are not Trancas and Barrancas, but Divulgación, Respeto and Agustín (a man in a suit, mascot of the public entity). That’s what it is.

Another success: Lalachus as a collaborator, a hilarious comedian that I have been following for a long time.

The big mistake of the first program? In my opinion, the choice of the interviewee, world champion of adaptive surfing Aitor Francesena. I understand the intentions of inviting this blind genius: the perfection, the joy, the punkarrismo that the gentleman carries, his admirable thing… compared to the choice of Motos on its network to open the season: Victoria Federicawhich symbolizes luxury, fashion, nepotism, stupidity (“neoprene makes me look good,” he said last night) and the cradle stir.

I appreciate that the public broadcaster has the eloquence to start its proposal for the whole family with the values ​​of sport, excellence and escape from self-pity. A normal guy, Basque, bald and 53 years old who revolutionized his world and the national panorama. But the truth is that the man was loud, rude, histrionic and rather boring. I was not too interested in what he said or how.

It’s a personal phobia: I can’t stand men who imitate the sound of a chicken to encourage others to do something. And I can’t stand the sound either. He’s the most “eggless” brother-in-law I can remember.

There are days in life, at least some, when you have to show muscle, without complexes. Make a surprising, gigantic, fierce bet, even if later the usual tone is different. I think last night was one of those moments. I think we expected another type of power, perhaps a more known and desired character, someone sparkling who would make us jump off the couch when we saw him on our network. It was not like that. I felt that something deflated at the end, because of the good nature.

The good news is that Broncano is still Broncano. The problem is the same. On that side, we want something more, something new from him. We will continue to inform.




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