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The hermeneutics of Agustín Buades

Democracy is the only political system in which the ruling elites justify their mistakes by attributing them to the people who voted for them. The particular interpretation of election results is a palpable example of this. Marga Prohens interpreted as the “general will” of the Balearic people manifested at the polls during the last regional elections had been that of a “solo government” of his party, a gatiperio unanimously supported by the Pepesphere The Balearic Islands in their rush to prevent Vox from entering their government.

Today, Agustín Buades, after leaving his parliamentary group alone, affirms that the “general will” expressed by the 62,000 Vox voters was materialized in the sacred agreement of the 110 points of government that PP and Vox signed in exchange for support for the “solo” government of Prohens, an agreement that was broken last July after the decision of the Bambú leadership to break all autonomous agreements with the PP unless its regional leaders rejected the open door to uncontrolled, massive and illegal immigration. Immigration isright away, the fourth biggest problem for the Spanish, while the abuses and excesses of the political class remain the biggest of all.

I do not know on what infused science or sociological truth Prohens and Buades rely to affirm that the “general will” expressed at the polls is that of a “solo government” of the PP with the pact of these 110 points. Do you really believe that the voters voted Exactly that? The truth and certainty are that Vox voters voted for the Vox program and PP voters for the PP program. The post-election pacts, the visible ones but also the invisible ones because they cannot be admitted, are signed by party leaders in offices behind closed doors and without the slightest participation of the electorate.a scenario which, although normalized, is nonetheless harmful for the representativeness by undermining the already weak trust between representatives and those represented. Of course, I am not discovering anything new, but what I intend to highlight is the very nature of post-electoral pacts, often a real scam, even less so when they are concluded between losers with the sole aim of preventing the winner from governing, like the one Pedro Sánchez still maintains today in La Moncloa.

While some are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first Progress Pact of 1999, it is worth remembering that in terms of losers’ pacts, the Balearic Islands were ahead of our time, showing a boldness that was unprecedented at the time in the peninsula. Also in 1996, Felipe González left power after losing the majority by a few hundred thousand votes to José María Aznar. A year before, we had inaugurated here a first pact of losers in the Consell of Mallorca thanks to a coalition (PSOE-PSM-IU-UM) that expelled the big winner (PP), who only lacked one councilor (out of 33 in total) to obtain an absolute majority.

Since then, this The formula of the pact between the losers has been repeated ad nauseam in regional governments (1999, 2007, 2015) to the point that by getting used to it, we have metabolized and normalized it without stopping to reflect on the legitimacy (of origin and exercise) of this type of pact. To make matters worse, the Constitution of 78 prohibits the imperative mandate, giving political parties more latitude for their activities in the offices if possible.

What is clear is that Those who voted for the UM did not vote for the PSIB program, nor for that of the PSM, nor for that of Izquierda Unida.. So much so that a UM voter was so far removed from a PSM or IU that the socialists had no choice but to do their best to reach an agreement, because even the UM politicians did not want to talk to those of the PSM or IU. The PSIB negotiated on both sides, first with Maria Antònia Munar, then separately with Pere Sampol and Eberhard Grosske.. Pact culture, as they called it, a euphemism for a real scam..

No voter had voted for this unnatural pact or for the program carried out, but the myth of progress It justified to public opinion the communion between losers which, as we know, had no other aim than to expel the PP and share the seats.

Can’t the seats of several parties be added to form government majorities? Of course they can, because there is no other option in a parliamentary regime like the Spanish one, where it is very difficult to obtain an absolute majority, but let’s not make a virtue of necessity. It is possible, another question is whether it is ethical and whether these agreements in the offices will not contribute to increasing the painful image that ordinary citizens have of political parties.

If ethics mattered to parties that know they will have to make a post-election pact, like PP and Vox, One solution would be to present, in addition to the maximum electoral program of each of them, another common minimum between the two which would be the one that would be applied if they governed together.. At least we would know what to expect and avoid the superhuman efforts of oracles like Prohens and Buades to interpret the “general will” and thus justify what the party oligarchies have decided in the offices.

Summary of the 110 agreements between PP and VOX

Regarding Agustín Buades’ statements that the pact that brings together the 110 agreements between the PP and Vox was working perfectly, my honours will allow me to question it. In my opinion, the PP limited itself to implementing the measures that were already in its electoral programme, nothing more. Vox’s own problems were put aside involved in a controversy.

The implementation of free choice of language is a joke. The Linguistics Bureau has not been launched end discrimination against Spaniards in administrations. The removal of subsidies to unions and employersas approved in the 2024 budget after tough negotiations, was sabotaged through the back door. The weight loss of the Balearic administration consisted of the now typical “let go” that I use. Almost no public companies were affected.

Lowering taxes and spending more are decisions that do not involve any usury, even less for a Antoine Costa in need of affection who must think that at the moment the whole mountain is in oregano after having had a hard time as general director of budgets in 2011, when he had to face a calamitous legacy with more than 50,000 unpaid bills worth more than a billion euros without any bank willing to give them a loan.

Whatever Buades says, the Vox voter aspires to much more, much more than what the Prohens government has achieved. in his first year of the legislature. Even in terms of management, we are not ready to launch rockets: we continue with the same number of barracks that he left us Marti Mars and health waiting lists remain longer than ever. But let’s get to the important stuff.

Vox was not born to chase away the left, it was born to dismantle left-wing policies, whether these are carried out by the PSOE or by the social-democratic corners of the PP. Vox exists to lead the cultural battle and dismantle the social engineering of the left. (Catalanism, last-generation feminism, climate catastrophism, ideology woke upuncontrolled immigration, historical memory, creeping and rampant statism, educational indoctrination), something that the PP is not prepared to do under any circumstances because they know that questioning even one of the left’s ideological prejudices (see what was put in place with the repeal of the law on democratic memory) will mean an effort that they consider unaffordable. In their sin is their penance, because pretending to do something and ending up doing nothing is the worst thing one can do.: exasperates your voters but also those who are not.

Let’s not kid ourselves. The real reason why the media and the establishment They demonize Vox one day and another also resides in the fact that Vox threatens the privileges and interests of parasitic castes accustomed to living on ideological lies and at the expense of the sweat of those “deplorable” middle classes that have not yet managed to register in public administrations. Vox aspires to build a new Spain of strong gods (family, nation, religion, less statism) while the PP only aspires to establish the public services designed by the socialists, as well as to maintain the status quo of these parasitic castes for fear of the reaction of the left and their many coreligionists who are part of it.

The PP does not aspire to form a citizenship faithful to its principles and convictions (it does not have them, its feijoos could perfectly be part of the PSOE good which they are still looking for), but only to better manage the public services of a society that it has given up on leading, as the left has done, inspired by communist policy Antonio Gramscihas put at his service the means of mass intoxication, education, the world of culture and the university. In short, The PP has no project of its own for Spain other than the consensus with the socialists and what he aspires to most is to win elections every time the leftlike now with Pedro Sánchez, He is trying to lose them because his voters are fed up.

Given that the socialists are the most responsible for the decomposition in all senses that Spain is suffering today and for the moral revolution that has operated in the hearts of the Spanish people over the last 50 years, a society that, according to Alphonse Guerra“even the mother who gave birth to her does not recognize her”, it is enough to recall the wise words of Jaime Balmes to ensure that the necessary collaborators who work tirelessly for the project of dissolution of the PSOE and separatism are nothing other than the sweet popular.

Balmes said that “Parties with a moderate instinct and a conservative system become the conservatives of the vested interests of a consummated and recognized revolution, ultimately becoming more useful to the revolution than the revolutionary parties themselves.”. In fact, we can say that The truly ultra-conservative party at the moment is the PP. with his fierce defense of all the interests created by the moral, political and social revolution that, led by the PSOE, has led Spain to its current situation.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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