Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 6:49 pm
HomeBreaking Newsthe highest number in 7 years

the highest number in 7 years

Up to 24 minors have been convicted of various sexual offenses in Aragon during 2023. These are the highest figures recorded in the last seven years since records have been kept and reflect the gradual increase in such crime in the Community.. Indeed, between 2017 and 2019, 20 young people between 14 and 17 years old were convicted, fewer than last year alone.

This is shown by the latest data from the National Statistics Institute (INE), which reveals the increase in crime in this region, particularly among minors. Not in vain, In 2023, Aragon topped the ranking of autonomous communities for crimes committed by minors. These people are guilty of 18.5 crimes per 1,000 inhabitants in the region, exceeded only by Ceuta and Melilla. In total, they committed 1,035 violations, almost double what they were a decade ago..

Specifically, In 2023, up to 31 sexual crimes were recorded, also the highest number since the INE has had these records.. There are 2 more than in 2022, even if they are already triple that of 2019. Furthermore, 49 measures had to be adopted, the same as in 2021, but also three times more than four years previously.

This rebound contrasts with national level data, which reflects a decrease in the number of minors to 424, or 77 fewer than in 2022. However, two years ago, a record had already been set with 501 young people.

However, this increase in juvenile delinquency is not limited to sexual offenses alone, as the total number of convictions is also skyrocketing in Aragon. In all, Up to 471 young people aged between 14 and 17 were sentenced in 2023, 99 more than the previous year and the first time the 400 have been exceeded..

Among these 471 convicted minors, one in four (up to 118) was a foreigner and the other 353, Spanish. However, the weight of young foreigners, both in percentage and in number, has decreased since in 2021 they represented a third of the total convictions (128 out of 380).

Convicted adults fall

While, The number of adult convictions decreased by 7% in 2023, recording 7,012 convictions compared to 7,549 the previous year. Among them, 79 concern sexual offenses, i.e. 6 more than in 2022, but still below the 102 issued in 2021.

In addition, Among these 7,012 convicts, one in three, or 2,322, were foreigners.. In this case, the weight of these people has increased over the past decade. At the national level the percentage is 27.7%, lower than that of Aragon, although in communities like Catalonia it exceeds 41%.




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