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HomeBreaking NewsThe House of Andalusia demands "public rectification" from the spokesperson for Vox...

The House of Andalusia demands “public rectification” from the spokesperson for Vox in Aragon for imitating Juanma Moreno’s “deje”

The House of Andalusia in Zaragoza demands a public rectification from the former Aragonese vice-president and current spokesperson for Vox, Alejandro Nolasco, for imitating Juanma Moreno’s “deje” in the Aragonese Parliament.

Everything happened during this Friday’s session. In a question about immigration, Nolasco referred to some words from the president of the Junta de Andalucía saying his heart was “so large”.

The expression made the president of Aragon himself, Jorge Azcón, say, caught your attention when it was your turn to respond. “Try not to laugh at the president of the autonomous community of Andalusia and the way Andalusians speak. It’s a mistake. I have already heard him several times trying to laugh at the way Andalusians speak and of the way they speak. to speak that the president of Andalusia did and I ask him not to do it again,” he said.

Although he had exhausted his speaking turn, Nolasco invoked rule 121.3 of the rules of the chamber to emphasize that “it is Juanma Moreno who, mocking the way of speaking of the most humble Andalusians, He said his heart was so big. He doesn’t usually talk like that. It seems very serious to me that you say that I make fun of the Andalusians. I laugh at very few things, maybe it’s you who laugh and don’t take the problem of illegal immigration seriously,” he said, urging Azcón to apologize.

Azcón, however, refused and He assured that “when people make mistakes, you have to tell them politely and calmly.” “We can criticize the president of the Generalitat of Andalusia on many subjects, but because of the way he speaks, for reasons of form, it is much better that he talks about substantive issues. He can continue in this way, but people are watching at home You will know what you are doing,” he added.

The popular ones They even captured the moment on video:

Nolasco’s remarks even went beyond the parliamentary sphere. For Nélida Daza, president of the House of Andalusia in Zaragoza, What happened was “total outrage.”

“I find it degrading. I don’t have what we call deja, which is not a deja, but an accent, but Andalusian blood runs in my veins. We were offended by such an inappropriate comment. and not only us, but the two million who live in the world,” he said in a statement. In Aragon alone, he points out, more than 25,000 Andalusians live. “We are all very proud of our accent, which not only requires words, but a good attitude and a good education,” he stressed.




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