Friday, September 27, 2024 - 2:57 pm
HomeThe Houthis answered whether they will support Hezbollah and Lebanon

The Houthis answered whether they will support Hezbollah and Lebanon

Yemen’s Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi said the Iran-backed group “will not hesitate to support” Lebanon and Hezbollah amid intensifying border clashes with Israel.

In a televised speech, he condemned Israeli attacks in Lebanon, saying they were aimed at undermining the efforts of Hezbollah, also linked to Iran, “to support Gaza and the Palestinian people.”

As previously reported, on the night of September 27, the Houthis launched a rocket from Yemen toward Israel. According to the IDF, the surface-to-surface missile was successfully intercepted by the Hetz system before reaching its target. As a result of this interception and the fall of the rocket remains, alarm sounds and explosions were heard in the central region. At this time, the Home Front Command is not making any changes to the current directives.

Magen David Adom reported that after the alarm in central Israel, 18 people needed medical attention. Some of them were treated for nervous shock and the rest for minor injuries sustained during evacuation to the shelter. Of note is the case of a 17-year-old girl who was hit by a car when the driver suddenly swerved to the side of the road while the siren was sounding. The girl was taken to the hospital with moderate injuries.

Kursor also discussed how Russia is helping the Houthis in the fight against Israel, as well as why the United States is concerned about the prospect of this cooperation.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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