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The incredible life story of Frida Kahlo, who fell in love with Trotsky to avenge her husband

Baku TV prepared a study on the world-famous artist Frida Kahlo, who combines the process of self-discovery with painting, and incorporates her personal experiences and cultural identity in her works.

Frida Kahlo, 18, suffered a car accident in Mexico on September 6, 1925 and had to remain in the hospital for a long time due to her injuries.

At that time, Frida Kahlo began to paint alone, and in 1927, partially recovered from the consequences of an accident, she decided to become an artist.

In 1929, Frida Kahlo married the artist Diego Rivero, who became a symbol of communism in Mexico and was 20 years older than her. Less than a year later, Diego begins cheating on his young wife.

In 1930, Diego Rivero was invited to San Francisco to paint murals on the Stock Exchange building, and his young wife Frida Kahlo traveled with him to the United States.

The couple later had to return to Mexico, where Frida Kahlo’s estranged sister Christina came to live with them.

After a while, Cristina and Diego Rivero fall in love. Thus Frida Kahlo receives a new hit from Diego Rivero.

In 1937, the revolutionary León Trotsky, who escaped from the hands of Stalin and was not accepted by any country, arrived in Mexico, and as Rivero Diego was in the hospital, Frida Kahlo greeted him.

Frida Kahlo begins to have an affair with Lev Trotsky, whom she adores, to get revenge on her husband.

In 1944, Frida Kahlo’s leg was amputated due to gangrene and she was completely deprived of life.

In 1953 a private exhibition of Frida Kahlo was held in Mexico and, due to her poor health, she was carried to the exhibition hall on a bed.

Frida Kahlo died of pneumonia in 1954 at the age of 47.

In the detailed plot:

The incredible life story of Frida Kahlo, who fell in love with Trotsky to avenge her husband

The incredible life story of Frida Kahlo, who fell in love with Trotsky to take revenge on her husband


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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