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HomeLatest NewsThe indignity of Armengol

The indignity of Armengol

Back from summer vacation, I heard somewhere that Francesc Antich made the decision to put aside her sick leave to ensure that Francina Armengol is the candidate for the presidency of the Government in the 2027 elections. Colloquially said, that everything is linked and well linked so that nothing and no one casts an electoral shadow on Lady Hat Bar or Barmengolas they call him in Madrid. Come on, Xisco Antich saves the chair for him.

I would like to point out that talking about electoral shadows refers to the guts of the PSIB-PSOE, because on March 28, 2023, it was clear that the The voters of the Balearic Islands have decided to give the honourable Molt a kick in the butt and such sectarian uselessness. As if Antich’s guard were not enough, this house headlined a few days ago Armengol’s ascendancy over the socialist bases in this way: The PSIB says bluntly: “Armengol’s leadership is as uncontested as Sánchez’s.”

That’s good to know. Because it means that nothing has changed within the Balearic Socialist Party. They remain as sectarian as ever, the latest example being that Armengol attended the Diada of Catalonia while turning his back with absolute contempt on the Diada of Mallorca.

The problem for the PSIB-PSOE cadres and their bases is to believe that, being the third authority of the State, this will guarantee Francina Armengol – they think – a return to the Consolat de Mar in 2027. They are convinced of it! However, there is a small detail. The year he was President of Congress deputies has given ample evidence of his systematic sectarianismalso of his poor preparation for the position, and worst of all, even the most serious: He is not even aware of his sacred role as guarantor of the independence of the legislative power.

We had the cotton test in the last federal commission of the PSOE, listening to its supreme leader or its fucking master, Pedro Sanchezsay this: “We will move forward with determination with or without the support of the opposition. With or without the assistance of the legislative power”. It is true that Sánchez hesitated at the end of his sentence, probably aware of the barbarity he was saying, since he is president of the Spanish government because the Congress of Deputies elected him. Immediately, the far-left trash newspaper,, headlined: “Investment partners warn Sánchez that he cannot govern without Congress.” Wow, even the far-left trash, for once, respected the rules of the game!

What answer did Francina Armengol give you? Absolutely, nothing at all! He remained silent as he is: nobody; a common correveidile, an autocratic satrap. Complete unable to defend the independence of the legislative power, in short, to defend its democratic dignity. He remained silent because the fucking master is the truth revealed in this self-destructive tape that the progressive voter adores and adores. Is this really the candidate that the electorate of the Balearic Islands can take seriously? He is pure institutional trash, therefore incapable of understanding what his golden role is as the third authority of the State.

Dear right-wing voter, don’t even think about staying home in 2027. Because Armengol is evil and uselessness personified.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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