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HomeTop StoriesThe infusion that helps you fall asleep and improves digestion

The infusion that helps you fall asleep and improves digestion

THE medicinal herbs These are plants used as medicines and used to help prevent or cure disease. Also for relieve symptoms, increase energy, relax or lose weight. They have been used for centuries as home remedies for various ailments and for their beneficial effects on health. One of those that has gained popularity is lemon balm.

This belongs to the mint family and is characterized by its oval, green leaves with a citrus scent. It stands out for its medicinal properties, such as its calming effects both in mind and body.

THE European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommends its use for to treat mild symptoms of mental stress, to aid sleep, for mild digestive disorders such as abdominal bloating and gas.

For sleepis one of the Most recommended herbs for its power to regulate the central nervous system which produces a sedative effect. It stands out, unlike other herbs, for its good flavor. According to some research, its consumption indicated a reduction in the intensity and improvement of indigestion symptoms.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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