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HomeBreaking NewsThe Interior sent to the Polish embassy a Valencia police inspector, found...

The Interior sent to the Polish embassy a Valencia police inspector, found guilty of attacking two officers.

The Ministry of the Interior expelled from the Valencian Community the inspector of the National Police of Valencia who was found guilty of having drunkenly attacked two agents of the Local Police of Benidorm, in the province of Alicanteafter the matter became public.

The Supreme Court has just confirmed the conviction of JMMC and the sentence is now final, as reported exclusively by EL ESPAÑOL. While his appeal was being investigated, the police officer exercised security duties in the Spanish Embassy in Poland.

JMMC appears as a member of the Interior Attaché at the embassy located in Warsawas it appears on the website. From 2022, the ambassador is Ramiro Fernández.

The convicted police officer was one of those responsible for Police Intervention Unit (UIP) in Valencia, also known as the riot police, and is the partner of the ultra agitator Cristina Seguione of the founders of the Vox party.

The Spanish Embassy in Warsaw is located next to the Lazienki Parkin the Powisle district, just a 10-minute drive from the city’s historic center, in an area where embassies of other countries are also located, according to its website.

All Ministries of the Embassy are located in the Chancellery of the Embassy with the exception of those of Tourism, Education and the Economic and Commercial Office, which are located in separate premises.

The Offices of the Interior Attachés, under the hierarchical dependence of the ambassador, depend organically and functionally on the Ministry of the Interior, which is responsible for their internal organization and their budgetary allocation.

Embassy posts are generally most requested by agents of the National Police and the Civil Guard at the Ministry of the Interior. The juicy salaries are a big incentive for the agents, depending on the relevance of the capital in which the selected official ends up landing.

In most of these destinations, the minimum wage is generally around 10,000 euros per month. Danger or distance premiums contribute to increasing this figure which, in certain regions of the world, can exceed the 20,000 euros per month, according to the sources consulted.

In embassies, police officers act as liaison between Spain and the police authorities of the country in question, but they can also provide protective functions in public buildings.

Initially, this police officer was sentenced to three months in prison by the Criminal Court number 3 of Benidorm as the author of an offense of attack against an agent of authority, in addition to being considered as the author responsible for two minor injury offenses.

But the convict appealed the sentence and the Alicante court reduced the sentence by eliminating the offense of attack against an agent of authority and partially granting his appeal in a sentence handed down last March.

Ultimately, the Court removed the prison sentence and established that the inspector was responsible for a “offense of resistance to agents of authority provided for and punished in article 556 of the Penal Code“. The agent was sentenced to a three-month fine with a daily allowance of 6 euros, “maintaining the rest of the judgments”.

Today, the Supreme Court rejected the last appeal of this National Police agent and the sentence is now final.

The aggression

The facts for which the inspector was strongly condemned occurred on August 10, 2018 in Benidorm around 10:50 p.m..

That day, Benidorm local police officers carried out an intervention with the accused who was “on leave with two colleagues”.

Apparently, the patrol showed up at his location in response to a call from a taxi driver who saw “upset and threatened“by the inspector.

Being affected by previous consumption of alcoholic beverages which diminished but did not nullify his cognitive and volitional abilities, they asked him to identify himself and the accused refused several times”, according to the Benidorm Court.

The accused claimed that he was an inspector of the National Police of Valencia and asked “the Local Police officer with whom he spoke to give him his badge number”, according to the account of the proven facts .

When the convict asked for the license plate number from the officers patrolling the city of Benidorm, “He was shaking his cell phone until it collided with the hand of the local police officer.this one falling to the ground.”

At that moment, “the accused, with the intention of physically harming him and in disregard of the principle of authority, threw himself at the local police officer, giving him a slap which also caused his companions to fall to the ground, at which point “They intervened to subdue the now accused, using the minimum force necessary to do so.”

As a result of these events, one of the local police officers “sustained injuries consisting of scratches on the right arm, a slap in the ear with an otoscope without internal tympanic damage and a bruise on the front arm”.

The second policeman suffered “injuries consisting of friction abrasion on the forearm“, the resolution states.

During the trial held in Benidorm, the taxi driver who suffered the violent behavior of the convicted inspector testified as a witness.

This witness “explained irregular, discourteous, violent and unjustified behavior for which he was subsequently accused: insults and everything“.

According to his testimony, “the accused was somewhat affected by alcohol, with a low tolerance for frustration (he cannot tolerate that the taxis, so numerous, do not provide service) and with poor control of his impulses. “




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