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The intrahistory of the pact in the PP to assume Mazón’s thesis on the transitional regional financing fund

Objective achieved. The President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazonmanaged to convince the entire PP, with its national leader and the group of regional barons, to agree to request the creation of a Transition Fund in an “imperative manner that will immediately put an end to the underfunding that the Valencian Community suffers from the current financing system. A balsamic effect that would also benefit the autonomies with the poorest resources such as Andalusia either Murcia pending the reform of the current regional financing model.

Carlos Mazón arrived at the summit convened by Alberto Nuñez Feijoo with homework done. In fact, as you have learned ABCThe intra-history of the agreement reflected in point number five of the agreement signed by the regional presidents of the PP, began to be forged last week on Galician lands.

On August 31, Carlos Mazón participated in the event of the beginning of the political course of the Popular Party in Pontevedra, where he coincided with Feijóo himself and his counterparts from Galicia. Alphonse Ruedaand Castile and Leon, Alfonso Fernandez Manueco. Two territories whose interests are at odds with those of the Valencian Community, which is why it was crucial to reach an agreement.

Mazón was clear about the objective of his trip to the Galician lands, which was to obtain the support of his entire party for a path, a leveling fund, which dismantles the discourse of the left-wing opposition in the Valencian Community, and that in the If accepted by the government, it would bring additional resources (a minimum of 1.5 billion euros per year) to the coffers of the Generalitat to allocate them to social policies.

During this conclave, the Valencian leader had already warned that “the Spain we need cannot be built from inequalities, privileges, blackmail, quotas and concert.”

The President of the Generality He saw his aspirations fulfilled a week later this Friday when the PP approved what he describes as “a historic demand for Valencians, because it would guarantee them the same financing as the average while the definitive reform of the financing model, expired, is underway. achieved for ten years.”

Mazón’s proposal that the PP assumes involves asking the government to Pedro Sanchez the creation of a “genuine and effective” complementary equalization fund, financed by State resources until the renewal of the financing system, the need for which is deemed “imperative”.

The objective of this fund is “ensure equality in the provision of public services to all citizens, regardless of their place of residence”but especially for those in the regions that now receive fewer resources than the average, including the Valencian Community, Murcia and Andalusia.

Carlos Mazón thanked “the solidarity and recognition of the inequalities that persist Spain” to his “colleagues” for “signing, committing and recognizing that a temporary equalization fund was necessary.”

“The PSOE must apologize to the Valencians”

At the very moment when the entire PP assumed the theses of the president of the Generalitat, Minister of Science and leader of the Valencian socialists, Diane Moranttried to disqualify him by calling him “Milei de Alicante” and an “aspiring influencer.”

Mazón, for his part, demanded “a little decorum and a little Valencianness” at the PSOE “both within the Spanish government and in the Valencian Community” and demanded that the formation “reconsider” and “apologize” for “having said ‘no’ to a temporary leveling fund that it needed.

For the President of the GeneralityAccording to the PSOE, “no socialist who believes in the equality of Spaniards or in the Valencian Community can hold this position for even one more minute.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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