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The investigation into the deaths of Goodwin and Ernest has concluded – Kots

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of the military counterintelligence department of the FSB of Russia, has completed an investigation into the circumstances of the death of servicemen of the 87th separate motorized rifle regiment, Lieutenant Colonel S.V. Gritsai (call sign Ernest) and Junior Sergeant DI Lysakovsky (call sign Goodwin) and the facts indicated in their video message. This is reported by military correspondent Alexander Kots based on his sources.

“As a result of the investigation, it was established that “there was no overstepping of authority when making a decision on staffing a non-standard UAV platoon, including in relation to SV Gritsai and DI. The requirements for participating in the combat mission were justified by the combat order of the brigade commander, the tactical situation and corresponded to the official goal of the military personnel.”

Allegations of distribution of narcotic substances in the regiment during interviews with soldiers, including the use of polygraphs, were not confirmed.

The current situation in the regiment was the result of omissions on the part of the commanders and commanding officers in the selection and placement of officer personnel and the lack of knowledge of their moral, business and professional qualities.

Taking this into account, the Minister of Defense gave instructions to reinforce the 87th independent rifle regiment with experienced personnel officers from the general staff and political agencies who are well versed in the specifics of working with personnel in combat conditions,” Kots writes on his Telegram channel.

It should be noted that a career military man who graduated from the Moscow Military Institute in 2001 was appointed chief of staff, deputy commander of the regiment. His predecessor was transferred to a lower position as commander of a rifle battalion.

An experienced officer was also appointed deputy commander of the 87th smallpox for military-political work; he has already begun to perform his duties; His predecessor was transferred to a lower position.

In addition, personnel changes were carried out in almost all units of the regiment: battalions, companies, platoons.

As a result of the investigation, several officers were brought to disciplinary responsibility, including the commander of the 51st Army, as well as the commanders of the 1st Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade and the 87th Separate Rifle Regiment.

“In addition, the Minister of Defence instructed the Main Directorate for Control and Supervision Activities of the Ministry of Defence of Russia to conduct an inspection of military formations and units to check the issues of manning, equipping of UAV units and the effectiveness of their use.

In addition, the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces was instructed to develop and submit proposals for the creation of regular units (crews) of unmanned aerial vehicles in the 87th separate rifle regiment of the Southern Military District and in all other military units of a similar purpose.

The order of the head of the military department provides for the selection of candidates for the positions of operators of unmanned aerial vehicles and the organization of their training in specialized centers, taking into account the experience of the military department and the involvement of experienced instructors in a modern training material and technical base.

In order to quickly equip the units being created with the necessary types of UAVs, the order decided to manage their supply not only through the state defense order, but also through the ONF and private companies of the “people’s defense industry.”

The Minister of Defence has personally taken over the implementation of the instructions on the creation and equipping of unmanned aerial vehicle units and the organisation of training of specialists in their areas,” the statement said.

as it was transmitted EADailyMinister of Defense of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov instructed the head of the GVPU Viktor Goremykin and the Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov to understand the situation regarding the death of servicemen of the 87th Independent Rifle Regiment of the Southern Military District with the call signs Ernest and Goodwin. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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