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HomeLatest NewsThe Jata Milker blender is perfect for making plant-based milk at home

The Jata Milker blender is perfect for making plant-based milk at home

Plant-based milks are increasingly taking up space on supermarket shelves. However, many of these drinks are not very healthy, as they contain excess sugar. They are also not the most sustainable option, as they are bottled. They are also expensive, as a litre of plant-based milk usually costs more than 1 euro. What if they were made entirely at home? It may seem crazy to start making vegetable milk at home, but Jata, a Navarrese company with a long history in the manufacture of household appliancessell one mixer which makes this task much easier. We are talking about Jata Milker mixer. In addition, by making your own vegetable milk at home, the liter costs much less. Concretely, from 0.25 euros per liter.

Jata Devices was founded in 1943 as a family business. Today, it remains a family business with a special interest in finding solutions to the needs of every home. It is precisely thanks to this constant research that Jata Milker Mixer.

THE Milker JELV2350 mixer for making vegetable milk at home can be purchased via jata website. It has a price of 55 euros. However, these days of sales can be purchased with a discount of 5.05 euros, so it comes to 49.95 euros.

This innovative mixer revolutionizes the world of vegetable milks. And it’s no wonder. Allows make plant milk at home of any type of seed or fruit. Thus, with the Jata Treats For example, you can prepare soy, rice, almond or oat milk.

And, if you are one of those who in summer licks themselves with a fresh horchata with tiger nuts, the Jata Milker Mixer This allows you to prepare it at home in a very short time.

Making Plant Milk at Home This saves money, because in the supermarket it is usually more expensive than traditional cow’s milk, exceeding one euro per liter. By preparing your own vegetable milk at home, a liter can cost you from 0.25 euros. Moreover, one of the strong points of this Jata Plant Milk Mixer is that it is very sustainable. When making vegetable milks at home, the disposable containers in which these drinks are sold in supermarkets are not used. In this way, with the Jata Milker Mixer It helps to take care of the environment.

THE Jata Milker Mixer It includes a recipe book, which is supplied in the box of the appliance and can also be downloaded from the Jata website. In it you will find different recipes to make with the Jata Milker Mixer. Among them, several uses stand out with which you can take advantage of the remains of seeds and fruits that remain after the manufacture of vegetable milks. In this way, nothing is wasted during production. However, the main motivation that make plant milk at home is that you do it completely to your taste. And, then, you enjoy a 100% artisanal and natural product.

With the new Jata Milker Mixer In addition, a wonderful texture is obtained. This is partly due to the fact that water is constantly entering and leaving the filter. This results in an emulsion that allows make a delicious vegetable milk.

This Jata Plant-Based Drink Mixer It retains all the nutrients of the seeds, nuts or grains present in the drink. This is due to their great ability to press them.

And another of its strong points is multifunctionality. The Jata Milker Mixer It not only allows you to prepare vegetable drinks. Unlike other machines designed to make this product, Jata’s can also be used to prepare fruit, vegetable or vegetable juices. In addition, you can make very creamy yogurts and vegan cheeses.

THE mixer Sold in a set including the following items accessories: filter with 300µ steel mesh of the highest quality, mortar (plastic, for greater safety and easy cleaning), transparent container with an exclusive design so that the filter fits perfectly and with the ideal distance for the emulsion to occur from the content, hand blender specially selected to optimize the Jata Treats to the maximum (thanks to its rounded head and its controlled power of 400W makes the emulsion perfect).

Without a doubt, one of the differentiating elements of the Milk mixer for Jata vegetable milk This is your filter. This is due, in part, to the fact that the 300µ steel mesh and its conical construction ensure that water enters and exits evenly and generates a constant flow rate to give rise to a perfect emulsification of the extract of the ingredients.

It is also easy to clean. With a little wash under the tap, it is ready for its next use, but you can also put it in the dishwasher for a more thorough cleaning. However, Jata does not recommend washing it excessively in the dishwasher.

In case at first buyers of the Jata Milker mixer are a little lost when it comes to making their vegetable milkJata has prepared a recipe book, which can be downloaded from its website. But the most fun, without a doubt, is to let your imagination run wild to create a unique recipe. With the Jata Milker mixer, you can prepare these vegetable milk recipes at home and for only 0.25 euros per liter.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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