Friday, September 20, 2024 - 2:12 pm
Home"The Jewish people will have a lot to do with this."

“The Jewish people will have a lot to do with this.”

Former US President Donald Trump, in a recent speech at an event organized by the Israeli American Council (IAC) in Washington, opined that if he were to lose the upcoming election, it could be due to insufficient support from Jewish voters. Israeli media reported this.

Citing a poll, Trump said his support among the Jewish public is around 40%, but stressed that many of them vote for his opponents. He noted that the Jewish people “will have a lot to do with this” if he does not win, adding that “60% of the people are voting for the enemy.”

Trump also upped the ante, warning that if his opponents, including Vice President Kamala Harris, win the election, Israel would be in mortal danger. In his view, the country could be destroyed within two years. He claimed that Iran would soon acquire nuclear weapons, leading to a wave of violence and terrorist attacks against Israel, threatening to turn cities like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem into war zones. Trump warned that “terrorist death squads will carry out constant raids,” disrupting the peaceful lives of Israelis.

Trump also recounted his recent conversation with Miriam Adelson, a major donor to IAC. He allegedly told her that if Harris were to become president, Israel could disappear within two years. As a promise to American Jews, Trump said that with her support he would become their champion and best friend to the Jewish people in the White House. “Honestly, I’m already doing that,” he added, addressing an audience at a recent event aimed at combating anti-Semitism in the United States.

Trump has also criticized Kamala Harris for her stance on the Gaza war and her inaction in the face of anti-Semitic protests on college campuses. He reproached her for “doing nothing” to protect the Jewish community and their children. Trump reiterated his message that Jewish voters who support the Democratic Party should reconsider their views.

During the event, Trump stressed that the sacred bond between the United States and Israel is now in “serious trouble” and called for honoring all those who died during the October 7 massacre. He expressed hope for Israel’s ultimate victory over those who seek to destroy it.

In this context, Trump invited Andrei Kozlov, recently freed from Hamas captivity as a result of a special operation by the Israel Defense Forces, on stage to highlight the importance of supporting Israel and its people.

Previously, Cursor wrote that Iranian hackers hacked Trump’s headquarters and transferred data to Biden.

According to US intelligence agencies, the hackers sent the letters in June and July.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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