Home Entertainment News The judges elect the members of the Governmental Chamber of the Superior...

The judges elect the members of the Governmental Chamber of the Superior Court of Navarre

The judges elect the members of the Governmental Chamber of the Superior Court of Navarre

Judge Emilio Labella Osés, president of Criminal Court No. 4 of Pamplona; judges Marta Arnedo Herrero, of the Contentious-Administrative Court No. 1; and Mari Paz Benito Osés, of the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Pamplona; and Judge Irene Ferrary Merino, of the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 2 of Estella, were elected in the vote held this Tuesday to integrate the next 5 years. Government Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarre (TSJN).

In the choicein which they participated 43 magistrates and judges assigned to the Foral CommunityEmilio Labella obtained 25 votes, Marta Arnedo 20, Mari Paz Benito 18 and Irene Ferrary 18.

THE Government Hallcomposed of seven magistrates and one judgeis composed of these four elected members and the four ex officio members, who are so because of the function they hold: the president of the TSJN, Joaquín Galve Sauras; the president of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the TSJN, Francisco Javier Pueyo Calleja; the president of the Social Chamber of the TSJN, Carmen Arnedo Díez; and the president of the Provincial Court, José Julián Huarte Lázaro. Likewise, the Secretary of the Government of the Superior Court, Francisco Javier Isasi Barbier, is also part of the Chamber.

This room is the internal governing body of the courts and regional community courts. Performs organizational and administrative tasks.


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