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The Junta de Andalucía eliminates the minimum height requirement to be a local police officer

The Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification of the Junta de Andalucía, Antonio Sanz, announced today that the decree that will regulate entry, internal promotion, mobility, training and the unified call for the official personnel of the local police forces of Andalusia It was the subject of a prior public consultation and the approval procedures began next January.

In this new regulation HEeliminates minimum height as an access condition as another of the great novelties. “We were able to verify that this requirement led to the elimination of a considerable number of potential candidates who had the rest of the required requirements,” explained Sanz.

With this measure, the Local Police of Andalusia is comparable to what it already does other civilian police forces in Europe who do not establish a height requirement to access their selective tests, because they are committed to ensuring that the priority in the selection processes is to incorporate talent over other physical conditions.

The announcement was made during a visit to the Local Police Headquarters of Córdoba, during which he was accompanied by the Minister of Justice, Local Administration and Civil Service, Jose Antonio Nietoand the mayor of Córdoba, Jose Maria Bellido.

Sanz stressed that it was about continuing the regulatory development of the Local Police Law approved in July 2023 by the Andalusian Parliament and that it was born from “the need to update and improve the old standard, which is more than two decades old and which, as you already know, will definitely place our local police forces in the 21st century.”


Another of the great novelties of the law and that the decree develops are the requirements of mobility between the bodies of the local police with the aim of preventing the agent who accesses a place of a certain municipality from being able to enter another in a short period of time. time. . From now on, it will be mandatory have served in the municipality in which the position was obtained for at least 5 yearsThe councilor stressed that “this requirement will particularly benefit less populated municipalities, since a selective process involves significant costs.”

The decree also proposes conciliation measures for the maternity situations in which the applicants find themselves, respecting the principle of equal treatment and opportunities between women and men and avoiding them finding themselves in a disadvantageous situation.

On the other hand, the training of new local police officers will be provided mainly by the Institute of Emergencies and Public Security of Andalusia (IESPA), the municipal schools of the Local Police and the municipal schools of the Local Police accredited by the IESPA, also providing that the Institute may approve courses provided by other public or private entities.

Antonio Sanz also wanted to highlight the Equality of trainee civil servants with those of the Civil Guard and the National Police regarding the possibility that they may carry regulation weapons.

New scale

The new text also proposes a new grading system with seven modulesdemanding that in order to obtain the maximum points in the competition, it is necessary to obtain the maximum in each of the modules, at the same time as in the physical tests, the age groups are eliminated in the different marks required to access the different categories, presenting the agility circuit as a novelty. A circuit already mandatory to access the National Police and the Local Police of some autonomous communities. In addition, regarding the programs required to access the different scales and categories, they will be updated and will include new subjects.

“With this regulatory development, we continue to give a qualitative leap for our local police officers“responding to the needs and demands of municipalities and police forces,” he concluded, not without thanking the work done by the local police in Andalusia.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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