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HomeLatest NewsThe Junta de Andalucía prepares new tax cuts for businesses, housing and...

The Junta de Andalucía prepares new tax cuts for businesses, housing and families

The Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Carolina España, announced in her first appearance in the political course that the autonomous government was already finalizing new tax reduction measures, although “with a more selective focus“These initiatives, which have less impact than those approved in recent years, will aim to “attract businesses, investments and digital transformation projects, improve taxation for access to housing and support families and the vulnerable population.”

Carolina España proposed these strategic lines of action after making a “positive” assessment of the results of the tax policy implemented in recent years by the regional government, comparing it to the “greater tax pressure” of the central executive. According to the approaches presented by the ministry, the tax cuts implemented in Andalusia, such as deflation of personal income tax or the new housing or family access bonuses, have made it possible to “increase collection”.

The fiscal policy of the Andalusian Government for the last full year of the legislature, 2025must be closed in the coming weeks given that the regional budget will be presented next October, thus meeting the deadline set for it to come into force on January 1 after its approval by the Andalusian Parliament.

In any case, the priority of the Andalusian Government at the moment, rather than incorporating new measures, whose impact is already limited, focuses on consolidating the measures approved since 2018 in Andalusia and which, taken together, have an impact of approximately 900 million euros per year and affects four million peopleaccording to data published by the Ministry of Finance.

The advisor based her argument on the tax data from 2022, the last year already with final data, and gave as an example the deflation of personal income tax approved by Andalusia as well as the tax advantages implemented in housing, birth, school fees or disability that have been implemented with an impact on taxpayers’ declarations.

In other tax areas, measures have been implemented with an impact on accommodation approximately 300 million euros more in taxes such as the tax on real estate transfers and documented legal acts. “In terms of housing, it has been possible to significantly alleviate the tax burden on citizens to access housing and to promote and reactivate the real estate offer,” said Carolina España. Likewise, the councilor highlighted the measures adopted to allow SMEs and small and medium-sized enterprises to relax the conditions for deferring payments and down payments.

Carolina España finally highlighted the impact of the removal of Inheritance and gift tax and regretted that the central government did not allow the abolition of the Wealth Tax, establishing in its place the Large Wealth Tax, which was validated by the Constitutional Court by rejecting the appeal of the Junta de Andalucía.

The opposition

However, the opposition has reiterated its criticism of the Andalusian government’s fiscal policy. Both PSOE Like the Por Andalucía coalition, they stressed that there had been “tax gifts to the richest at the cost of reducing the money available for public services” and deplored the lack of “responsibility and fiscal progressivity” in the policies of the autonomous administration. “The tax reforms have only benefited the highest incomes in Andalusia,” said socialist MP Alicia Murillo.

The two parliamentary left-wing formations also called into question the “contradictions” of the Andalusian government and regretted that, on the one hand, it is claimed that it has managed to increase its income through tax cuts and, on the other, that there is a critical financial situation due to the lack of state resources. In this sense, the spokesperson for Por Andalucía Inmaculada Nieto warned that the government “boasts on the one hand that there are more and more investors and large companies coming to Andalusia thanks to the tax measures and on the other the central government is accused of scaring them away from Andalusia with the wealth tax.

At the bottom Voice He demanded more tax reduction measures in Andalusia and claimed his participation in the tax initiatives launched from 2018.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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