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The “la Caixa” Foundation will promote initiatives that respond to the demographic challenge and depopulation

Spain is the country with the most depopulated areas in Europeaccording to the European Statistical Office (Eurostat). Paradoxically, it is also one of the five most populous countries in the European Unionalongside Germany, France, Italy and Poland. Currently, two opposing processes coexist: on the one hand, the high concentration of inhabitants and activities in certain urban areas, and on the other hand, the depopulation of territories, mainly in rural areaswhich represents an unprecedented demographic challenge. In this context, the The “la Caixa” Foundation presents the new call for social action in rural areaswhose main objective is to address the demographic challenge by promoting initiatives against rural exodus.

THE population gap between urban and rural areas is now a national issue. The phenomenon of depopulation is eminently rural and worsens when it affects the functionality of these territories. Now, the loss does not only affect small municipalities, but also their reference municipalities, such as small towns or regional capitals.

These largest municipalities, located in rural areas and which have historically concentrated services, equipment and economic activity, have also seen their activity, potential and service offering reduced.

Thus, depopulation and aging of rural areas They have not only a demographic impact, but also a social, economic and functional one, and particularly affect the groups most vulnerable to the vulnerabilities of rural areas. In the last
In recent years, especially due to the pandemic, there has been a return of population to many small municipalities, but the movement is still nascent and punctual and, in many cases, does not compensate for the dispersion and aging of its inhabitants. The new call for social action in rural areas will encourage initiatives that address the demographic challenge and depopulation.

In this context, the The “la Caixa” Foundation presents the new call for social action in rural areas: Approach the Demographic challenge to stop depopulationwhose objective is to promote social action initiatives in rural areas to address the depopulation of rural areas and its effects, the so-called demographic challenge.

Promoting equal opportunitiesImproving the quality of life and social inclusion of people in rural areas is one of the main objectives and that is why the strategies developed in the medium and long term will be a priority, as well as the dynamics of cooperation and creation of synergies in the rural area. which places people at the center.

Objective, priorities and areas of action

The call aims to contribute to stop depopulation and promote the maintenance and revitalization of institutional and social ecosystems in rural areas support local initiatives that address the complexity and multidimensionality of these areas. They will be prioritized:

  • Actions that consider the empowerment of young people and women who play a fundamental role in this area demographic challenge.
  • Transformative projects aimed at enhancing the social, economic and cultural value of the territory’s resources.
  • Initiatives that have digital inclusion as a cross-cutting element.

This call includes, among other initiatives, projects which fall within the following areas: socio-professional integration and support for entrepreneurship, poverty and social inclusion, support for health and well-being, and community participation and social cohesion.

“Thanks to the new call for social action in rural areas “We want to promote initiatives that move towards building a more just, inclusive, equitable and supportive society in rural areas, understanding the complexity and multidimensionality of these territories,” said the deputy general director of the “la Caixa” Foundation, Marc Simón.

And he added: “The the current context requires measures promoting social cohesion and the collaboration between rural agents, and at the “la Caixa” Foundation, we want to support the entities that contribute to stopping depopulation and improving the quality of life and socio-economic conditions of its inhabitants, putting people at the center, especially women and young people who play a key role in achieving these goals.

The call has a endowment of up to 100,000 euros for each locationreaching a total of 6.7 million for the whole country. This allocation will allow the development of one project per site over a period of three years (2025-2027).

Territorial articulation

Addressing the complex and varied dimensions of vulnerability in rural areasIt is essential to be able to work jointly, in a coordinated and networked manner with all the agents in the territory, to complement each other and to build significant alliances that promote a transformative impact and a strengthening of communities.

Finally, the new appeal of the “la Caixa” Foundation establishes as a condition the participation of a social entity that presents the project with the explicit support of the main municipality. In addition, the support of other municipalities in the established action area or other local administrations, such as associations, regional councils, provincial councils, municipal councils or island councils, will be valued.

The 67 areas of action

The call is directed to 67 areas of action distributed across the 17 autonomous communities and organized around a functional municipality where services and economic activities are concentrated. The selection of these areas of action, aligned with the objectives of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challengewas carried out through a set of quantitative criteria in areas that are experiencing depopulation (i.e. have lost population over the last ten years) and have a population density of less than 100 inhabitants/km2.

New Call Schedule

Entities interested in the new call can present their projects until November 15 at 5:00 p.m. through the call application: End of the period of
registration and after an evaluation process, in January 2025 the resolution of the Call for social action in rural areas by the “la Caixa” Foundation.

The initiative, which is in line with the actions carried out by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challengeand is part of the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations 2030 Agenda, mainly supporting the promotion of the following goals: ending poverty (1); zero hunger (2); health and well-being (3); quality education (4); gender equality (5); decent work and economic growth (8); reducing inequalities (10); peace, justice and strong institutions (16), and alliance to achieve the goals (17). In addition, it reinforces and complements the lines of action that the “la Caixa” Foundation develops in the social field through the CaixaProinfancia program, the Incorpora program, the Elderly program and the Comprehensive Care for People with Advanced Diseases program.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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