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HomeLatest Newsthe last message from the sister-in-law of Jesulín de Ubrique

the last message from the sister-in-law of Jesulín de Ubrique

THE Janeiro Bazan family It is one of the most commented clans in the social chronicle. From arenas to television exclusives, this famous group has maintained a constant presence in the media and if there is one name that stands out among all, it is Jesulín de Ubrique, the iconic bullfighter who fell in love with Belén Esteban. But it’s not just him who has captured the public’s attention. His brothers, among them Victor Janeirohave also had their share of notoriety, whether for their own careers or for their romantic relationships, which have generated as much interest as theirs.

Víctor Janeiro managed to stay in the media spotlight thanks to his participation in television programs and his relationship with the journalist Beatriz Trapote, with whom he forms one of the most loved and followed couples on the television scene. Their story, which unfolded in front of the cameras twenty years ago, continues to be a recurring theme in the media, in part because of the way in which it came about: a private conversation that both believed was not recorded, but which ended up becoming at the beginning of your love story.

Message from Beatriz Trapote

In the last days the name of Beatriz Trapote once again rang loudnot for sentimental or professional reasons, but for a health problem which alarmed his supporters. The journalist made public a worrying visit to the emergency room which quickly caught the attention of her fans and the general public. On her Instagram account, she shared that she had suffered for years from what she described as an “asthma attack” since her pregnancies about nine years ago. Meanwhile, the journalist was dealing with recurring episodes of what she calls “drownings” and the uncomfortable feeling of his bronchial tubes closing, causing him considerable distress.

Although he was treated for years for this alleged asthmatic condition and having received medication to control these symptoms, Beatriz noticed that her discomfort did not ease. The crises were always present, affecting their quality of life and generating a feeling of uncertainty. Determined to find a definitive answerwent to another medical consultation to obtain a second opinion. It was then that he had a big surprise, an unexpected turn that would change his perception of what was really happening to him.

The diagnosis that Beatriz Trapote received

After undergoing a series of tests, including spirometry to assess her lung capacity, the specialist revealed that in reality, the symptoms she had associated with asthma could have a completely different cause. The preliminary diagnosis suggested that Beatriz did not suffer from asthma, but rather a digestive problem.especially gastric reflux. This condition, common in many people, can cause respiratory symptoms similar to asthma because of the irritation it causes in the airways when stomach acid rises into the esophagus. According to the doctor, this reflux could be the cause of feelings of suffocation and the difficulty in breathing that Beatriz I had been experimenting for so long.

Beatriz Trapote herself He shared this eye-opening diagnosis with his followers via his Instagram account. With obvious relief and enthusiasm, he posted a message expressing his surprise and satisfaction at the new medical perspective. “I leave very happy. “You can’t imagine it,” the journalist said.showing his excitement over the possibility of having found the root of his health problems. Although final confirmation is still awaited by further tests, this new diagnosis was a glimmer of hope for her.

During her story, the communicator explained in more detail what happened during her visit to the doctor. After performing spirometry, which measures lung capacity, it was ruled out that her symptoms were related to asthma. “I was told that I was beyond my lung capacity, that I could run a marathon without problem,” he said of this. Furthermore, they explained that the medications he was taking to control his asthma were not necessary.

This change in your diagnosis This was not only a relief for the journalist, but also an opportunity to rethink her medical treatment. Gastric reflux, although bothersome, is a treatable condition, and with proper management, Beatriz hopes to be able to leave behind the symptoms that have accompanied it for nearly a decade. For her, This new path opens the door to a life without limits what she had experienced so far due to what she thought was asthma.

The clan returns to the forefront of the media scene

As Beatriz Trapote continues to await final confirmation of her diagnosis and adjusts her treatment, her story highlights the importance of seeking reflection. medical opinions and not settling for initial diagnoses when symptoms persist. Although the road to wellness has been long, it seems the journalist is closer than ever to a permanent solution. Once again, The Janeiros are in the news again, but this time for a very different reason. What will be the next step?


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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