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the latest in Alvise’s long list of legal problems

The collection of 100,000 euros in cash from a businessman recognized by Luis ‘Alvise’ Pérez opens a new legal front for the far-right MEP. The prosecution’s suspicions about possible irregular financing of his candidacy in the last elections overlap with several criminal investigations for revealing secrets and two civil convictions for defamation of politicians and journalists. The leader of Se Acabó La Fiesta faces, in the Supreme Court, the consequences of what he describes as a fight against the system and of what the judges describe as lies and attacks with which he brought together hundreds of thousands of supporters over the past five years.

Alvise’s legal problems are a constant in the messages he sends daily to his 710,000 subscribers on his Telegram channel, even if what he says does not necessarily always correspond to reality. He always attributes its origin to a persecution by the powers of the State against him for what he defines as his “fight” against “corruption” and the “mafia”. On several occasions, he declared a case closed or denied the existence of convictions that were already final.

The messages revealed this week by confirm not only that he collected money from Álvaro Romillo, founder of a bankrupt investment club based on cryptocurrencies, but that one of the The main reasons he requested these funds (the other is campaign financing) has to do with a very real concern about the cases and convictions piling up against him. Among his “needs”, in addition to the funds hidden at the Court of Auditors, Alvise mentioned: “I have to face certain fines for revealing secrets against the State and data protection”. Liquidity, he added, “allows me to deal with it.”

In this message, the candidate at the time mentioned the refrain he administers every week to his supporters: “Corrupts, pedophiles and senior officials”. The legal proceedings opened or convicted against him, both criminal and civil, are far from these considerations.

The most recent one is waiting to be sent to the Supreme Court by a court in Seville. There, the prosecution managed to reopen criminal proceedings against Alvise for having published on his channel the photo of one of the daughters of the president of the government, also revealing in which country she is studying. The ultra agitator posted the photo online and shortly after covered the face of the young woman, but the image had already started to circulate and continues, to this day, to be published by some accounts of the social network x.

This matter is the subject of a criminal investigation. Just like the complaint that a judge from the Andalusian capital filed with the prosecution of the Supreme Court in which she accused the MEP of threats and coercion. The SALF leader addressed her directly in a message to his Telegram community, implying that he would reveal that he had collected bribes if he did not rectify his arrest warrant – which was actually a whereabouts investigation – against Vito Quiles, one of its journalists. .stubborn. The prosecutor’s office has not yet decided whether or not to open proceedings against him.

The investigation opened against him for disseminating a false PCR test by the minister at the time, Salvador Illa, has also been blocked in a Barcelona court for years. “I won the case against former minister Salvador Illa, but the sentence is still pending because they prefer that the case expires and that there are neither winners nor losers,” he even declared two years ago. The National Court also referred the case against him to the courts of the Plaza de Castilla in Madrid for revealing conversations between defendants as part of “Operation Kitchen”.

The criminal proceedings opened against him, for the moment without conviction and awaiting a decision on the 100,000 euros received in cash, have nothing to do with his supposed fight against corruption. For years, the current MEP claimed that legal cases such as the “Koldo affair” were opened thanks to him and on the same day he was writing his minutes, he promised to release audios that would reveal corruption of judges and high-level politicians. . These audios, as his subscribers on Telegram remind him daily, have not yet appeared.

Firm conviction by civil means

None of the criminal proceedings against him have so far resulted in a conviction. But the economic factor of their legal problems comes above all from the cases handled in civil proceedings. Last June, the Supreme Court declared firm its obligation to compensate the journalist Ana Pastor with 7,000 euros for having carried out harassment on her which she defined, in front of her parish, as a fight against corruption: publishing photos of private moments, like in this case a dinner party, implying that he is doing something illegal.

This conviction was declared final exactly one month after Alvise obtained 100,000 euros in cash from Romillo at his company’s headquarters in the Salamanca district of Madrid. And this comes on top of another pending confirmation by the Supreme Court: the 5,000 euros that must be paid to the former mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, for falsely publishing that she had received a respirator at home at most strong from the first wave of the pandemic. . of 2020. Equipment then rare in hospitals where, every day, hundreds of people died.

In other cases, the courts ruled in his favor. The Supreme Court itself, for example, approved speculation without real evidence about the management that Ana Pastor herself had of her company Newtral. The courts have not yet renewed the sentence which ordered him to pay 60,000 euros to former minister José Luis Ábalos.

Civil proceedings against him can continue to be processed normally, but all criminal proceedings opened against him must be addressed, by obligation, to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court or to the Criminal Chamber itself, over which Manuel Marchena still presides due to his condition. One of the main objectives that his electoral campaign has never hidden: to be declared guilty before the High Court. According to his version, this is to protect in a tangible way the fight against corruption which has not yet been carried out against “bribes of judges and prosecutors”, among others. The latest of his legal problems is the investigation opened at the Supreme Court prosecutor’s office for collecting money from a crypto businessman before even gaining public office and to whom, as a deputy , he proposed to change the laws if he became key to the government with Feijóo and Abascal.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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