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the leading company in Navarra that opens a new warehouse in which it will be able to double its production

Cinfa Laboratories inaugurated this Friday its facilities of Olloque a new nave of development, production And distribution of drugs in which the company has invested 40 million euros and this allows you to double your production capacity.

THE Neo-ship of Cinfawho has 14,400 square meters productive, will allow the company to achieve the 200 million medications annual.

The new facility has a processing area for manufacturing of oral solid medications in the form of tabletswhere the production of medicines takes place. It consists of rooms heavy, additions, compression, granulation And coating.

The equipment available in these rooms doubles the productive capacity of those that exist so far in Cinfa. For example, the compressor can make more than 600,000 tablets per hourand the granulator has capacity for batches of 1,200 liters.

He air used in treatment rooms is completely renewed every 3 minutes (20 times per hour) and is processed so that your temperature, humidity And pressure adapt to everyone’s needs active ingredient and the phase it is in.

Another of the differentiating characteristics of the new nave of Cinfa is that their production processes are organized in vertical formatso that the circulation of materials It is carried out from top to bottom between the different existing floors.

The ship also has a new analytical development laboratory of 350 square meterswhich doubles the capacity of the previous one, and its officesin addition to a area for the manufacture and packaging of liquid medicines in various presentations and routes of administration (oral and nasal), currently in the installation phase.

It also has a vertical automatic warehousewith a height of 24 meters and space for 11,000 locations (which are added to 20,000 already existing in the previous warehouse).

Other dependencies include a dining room, changing rooms And production offices; A technical areahence the environmental conditions manufacturing rooms (air filtration, temperature, humidity And pressures); areas of general servicesas laundry roomsspaces of interview, water boilersAnd waste management; as well as thermal energy collectors and a photovoltaic park on the upper deck.

Since its design, this ship has been based on the concept of Industry 4.0where all production systems work digitized, integrated And automated.

Civil engineering works for these facilities, including design and construction three yearsfinished at the end of 2022. And after the corresponding phase of process validationat the beginning of 2024THE Neo-ship received on authorisation of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) to market the drugs made in it.

Initially, they are 15 medications the manufacture of which is planned in this warehouse, of which six They are already produced and can be found in the pharmacies. For example, for the hypertensionwho suffer 7.8 million of patients, or osteoarthritiswith more than 9 million of people affected.

It also includes treatments for hypercholesterolemia and different conditions cardiac; he pain linked to arthritis either migraine; and the allergies either edema. Likewise, it covers medicines intended for clinical conditions linked to anxiety, depression either sleep disordersamong others.

Last year, the company made available to patients 187 million medications through the pharmacieswhich means 12% of those provided in Spain.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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