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“The left is interested in recognizing the production of ideas, electoral strategy and the organizational model as inseparable”

doIn recent months we have seen the return of references to social democracy in politics. However, its meaning has evolved considerably since the second half of the 19th century. Born out of indignation at the social order, social democracy took its place in the last third of the twentieth century among the managers of capitalist globalization.

As many socialist parties asserted their ability to integrate state budget constraints and exercise power in a sustainable manner, the reference to social democracy was less at a doctrinal level than at a strategic level. Thus, today it is often reduced to invoking a “governing left” as opposed to a “rupture” left, described as sectarian and dangerous, even if that means ignoring its own neoliberal inclinations.

The return of this reference, however, has the merit of highlighting an absence: while social democratic parties have historically been an emanation of the workers’ movement and unions and social movements have often been objective allies, the question of the relations of the left with society and the forms of organisation that allow for them are rarely raised.

Parties closed in on themselves

“France of the cities” versus “France of the towers,” dialogue with the new government or censure, dismissal of Emmanuel Macron… the political start was not without strategic debates on the left. This same left, however, is less elusive regarding its own forms of organization. Similarly, if the charming call to “produce ideas” is a ritual figure of political commentary, the ability of parties to give life to these ideas, capture them or carry them out is hardly questionable. It is accepted that parties are responsible for showing social groups their common interests. However, the question of how to address these groups – making themselves visible to them, worrying them and showing them what a left-wing commitment can mean – seems sadly secondary.

Read also the tribune | Article reserved for our subscribers. “Between the France of cities and that of towers, problems are more common than contraries”

In politics, however, questions are often more important than answers. However, political science works agree that they paint a very unflattering picture of parties, which the left is no exception to. They inspire strong distrust in public opinion and are described as professionalized and self-contained communities, where elected officials, collaborators of elected officials and candidates for elections rub shoulders according to their own standards.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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