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HomeLatest NewsThe list of Spaniards who will receive almost 2,800 euros in pension:...

The list of Spaniards who will receive almost 2,800 euros in pension: confirmed

A group of Spaniards is entitled to a higher pension than usual. Workers who were formerly in the Special Coal Mining Scheme have an average pension of 2,805.2 and even have the possibility of retiring before the age of 65, as provided by Social Security for people who, in their time, dedicated themselves to this profession that stands out. out for its danger. Check all the details and rights that this group of retirees has.

THE Social security made a record spending on pensions last August after allocating 12,828.7 million euros to contributory pensions, which include people who have contributed a minimum number of days and who are eligible for retirement, orphanage, widowhood, permanent disability or other family council benefits.

This significant investment represents 6.5% more than in August, as reported a few weeks ago by Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and MigrationThis is due to the increase in contributory pensions announced for 2024 of 3.8%, all retirees have therefore benefited from an increase which could be around 50 euros per month.

Three elderly people sitting on a bench.

Of the more than 12 million euros invested in the pension payroll in August, 9,378.6 million euros, or 73.1% of the total, went to retirement pensions, which represent the largest share of the pie. Last month, 6.5 million retirement benefits out of the 10 million benefits from Social Security were distributed in Spain.

Increase the pension of the Spanish

The majority of Spanish retirees saw their pensions increase last year, with the average pension being 1,444.3 euros per month, an increase of almost 5% of the average pension compared to last year. Regarding the average retirement pension of the General Scheme, it is 1,602.8 euros while that of the self-employed is 964.2.

The pensioners with the highest average pension are those in the category Special coal mining regimewhose average pension is 2,805.2 euros. These are part of the group of what Social Security describes as professions due to their “exceptionally painful, dangerous, toxic or unhealthy nature and have high rates of morbidity or mortality”. Self-employed workers who provide services in the following activities related to this field are eligible for this benefit, as confirmed by Social Security on its website.

  • Coal mining in underground mines.
  • Opencast coal mining.
  • Manufacture of mineral coal agglomerates.
  • Coke production furnaces (except those belonging to the steel industry).
  • River transport of coal.
  • Research, recognition and selection of coal from landfills and recovery of coal and carbonaceous wastewater.
  • Activities complementary to the previous ones.

Workers who meet these conditions may have access to ordinary retirement before the stipulated age, even from the age of 52 (it can never be lower than this age). For those who wish to retire before the stipulated age, a reduction coefficient will be applied that will vary from 0.05 to 0.50%. Social Security explains it as follows.

A crane is working in a mining area.

“The age required to be entitled to the retirement pension is reduced, in a period equivalent to that resulting from the application, to the duration actually worked in each of the professional categories and specialties of the coal mines, of a reduction coefficient that goes from 0.5 for internal personnel who carry out direct work on the fronts of departure or advance, to 0.05 for ordinary external workers”, it reports in this section in which it is also specified that the absences of the worker, with the exception of those authorized due to sick leave or occupational illness, as well as those authorized by the corresponding regulations with the right to remuneration. The benefits of this special regime of coal mines will be the same as those of the general social security regime, which is why the same extensions, forms and conditions as those of this regime apply.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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