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The Los de Bronce club is celebrating this Saturday a solidarity party in favor of the Navarre Down Syndrome Association

THE Rock of the Bronceas part of its social project Bronce Solidario, organize this Saturday, September 28 a festive and united day in the Santa Ana Square in Pamplona in which the profits will go to Navarre Down Syndrome Association.

A celebration that was presented this morning at a press conference and that is aimed at all citizens with the aim of giving visibility and collaborating with the Navarrese entity. In fact, The club collaborates with Down Navarra throughout this year with different activities.

Mikel MuguiaPresident of the Los de Bronce club, stressed the importance for a club like the one he presides over, and which is celebrating its 75th anniversary, to “collaborate with society”. For his part, José Ángel Nieto, President of Bronze Solidarioexplained the need to contribute to social causes and “show citizens that the clubs are not only for San Fermín”, but that they organize “many enriching activities like this throughout the year” with which they want to “put their “grain” of sand and give visibility to entities such as the Navarre Down Syndrome Association.

Nieto detailed the program of events for Saturday in which music will have great importance with the presence of groups such as Los Tenampas, Gora Musika or Ham breastYou can also listen to the group Txalaparta de Down Navarra, enjoy bingo, face painting and a charity raffle with more than 800 prizes awarded by dozens of Navarrese companies collaborating in the event.

Likewise, the party will be hosted by the Comparsa of the giants and the big heads of Baranáin or the Batukada Sunkilé. Food also plays a major role with the traditional potato omelette competition and a meal appreciated by the club’s locals.

For those who cannot attend, a 0 line has been activated in which they can make donations that will go to the Navarre Down Syndrome Association at number ES70 3008 0206 1048 8052 3024

Carlos Santana, user of the Navarre Down Syndrome Associationwanted to emphasize the importance of the work of the entity that he has been attending since he was little and that “accompanies us throughout our lives.” Santana affirmed that we must continue working to have an inclusive society and encouraged citizens to participate in the party.

Finally, Edurne Pascal, head of the Navarre Down Syndrome Association, described as “beautiful and satisfying” this altruistic collaboration with the Los de Bronce group that helps both economically, “to be able to maintain programs and new projects” and at a social level, to “give visibility to people with Down syndrome and claim their right to be included in all areas of society.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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